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Plain-language definitions of common terms for people new to GitHub {: .f3}
- (n) a version of a repo.
- (n) a copy of a repo that retains the history but doesn't track new changes.
- (v) to make a copy of a repo that results in a clone.
- (n) a saved snapshot of files.
- (v) to save a snapshot of files.
- (n) a situation when changes from two branches (versions) cannot be merged automatically because it's not clear which changes take precedence. (This requires manual intervention.)
- (n) a copy of a repo that retains an ongoing connection to the source repo for comparing and sharing changes.
- (v) to make a copy of a repo that results in a fork.
- (n) a collection of files and folders and their related version history on the GitHub server in the cloud.
- (n) a bug or suggested enhancement.
- (n) a collection of files and folders and their related version history on your computer.
- formerly
. - (n) usually the latest official version of the repo. (Main is now the default branch name when creating new repos on GitHub.)
- (n) a syntax for structuring content using basic symbols that is readable by both humans and machines.
- (v) to combine two branches (versions) into one.
- (v) to get changes from others and incorporate them into your local repo.
- (n) a suggestion to update the current version of a repo with one's changes.
- (v) to send your changes to the GitHub server to be used by others.
- (n) the user manual for the repo.
- (n) a version of the repo with some particular significance.
- also repo.
- (n) a collection of files and folders.
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