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Reframe on Up

How I set up a custom domain for my Reframe web app

AurelienLourot - 20 Jun 2018

Part I: How I deployed for free a Reframe web app on Up in less than an hour

In the first part of this series we have

  • created a Reframe web app,
  • set up our AWS account,
  • set up our AWS CLI client,
  • set up our Up client, and
  • deployed our app on AWS Lambda via Up.

In this part we will now set up a custom domain on top of it.

Step-by-step guide

Buying a domain name

  1. Buy a domain name on AWS ( in this example):
$ export CONTACT="FirstName=My,LastName=User,ContactType=PERSON,OrganizationName=,\
  AddressLine1=42 My Street,AddressLine2=,City=Berlin,State=,CountryCode=DE,ZipCode=12345,\
$ aws route53domains register-domain --domain-name --duration-in-years 1 \
  --auto-renew --admin-contact "$CONTACT" --registrant-contact "$CONTACT" \
  --tech-contact "$CONTACT" --privacy-protect-admin-contact --privacy-protect-registrant-contact

NOTE: We're not using --privacy-protect-tech-contact, i.e. we're not making the technical contact details secret on WHOIS, which will be useful in a later step.

Setting up Up

  1. Tell Up to deploy on your custom domain by adding this to your up.json:
  "...": "...",
  "stages": {
    "staging": {
      "domain": ""

NOTE: It doesn't have to be a sub-domain like is also fine.

  1. Ask AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to create your SSL/TLS certificate:
$ ./up stack plan

       domains: Check your email for certificate approval
     ⠧ confirm:
  1. Prove ownership of the domain name:

At this point the certification authority (here AWS) needs you to prove that you own the domain name (which you bought here from AWS).

NOTE: Although this is a normal procedure, I wished AWS had taken us out of the loop: as a certification authority they already know that we own since we bought it from them.

For you to do so, it has sent an e-mail to these 8 addresses:

  • 5 addresses (e.g., but we don't have any e-mail server running, so we will never get them.
  • The admin contact from step 1 if ACM can find it on WHOIS, but we used --privacy-protect-admin-contact, so this won't work.
  • The registrant contact from step 1 if ACM can find it on WHOIS, but we used --privacy-protect-registrant-contact, so this won't work.
  • The technical contact from step 1 if ACM can find it on WHOIS. That's why we have decided not to hide this information on WHOIS.

In my case though AWS bought from the registrar Gandi who hides your information on WHOIS in any case. So I didn't receive any e-mail at all. Luckily there is another way to prove ownership: validation via DNS. In your ACM dashboard you should see your domain in the Pending validation state, with the possibility to create a special CNAME record like to prove ownership.

To do so, create a file aws/dns_upsert.json containing

  "Comment": "Updates existing CNAME record for ACM validation",
  "Changes": [
      "Action": "UPSERT",
      "ResourceRecordSet": {
        "Name": "",
        "Type": "CNAME",
        "TTL": 300,
        "ResourceRecords": [
            "Value": ""

and run

$ aws route53 list-hosted-zones | grep -B1
            "Id": "/hostedzone/Z2XLL8YMM7K4J0", 
            "Name": ""
$ aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id /hostedzone/Z2XLL8YMM7K4J0 \
  --change-batch "file://$(pwd)/aws/dns_upsert.json"

The ./up stack plan command which was hanging will now proceed and print all changes that need to be applied on AWS.

  1. Apply these changes:
$ ./up stack apply

Deploying your app

  1. Enjoy :)
$ npm run deploy


Thanks to brillout for reading drafts of this.