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rpn - reference manual


  • is a structured full-featured math-oriented language inspired by Hewlett-Packard Reverse Polish Lisp (HP28S and HP48GX user manuals are provided as references), including real, complex, stack, store, branch, program, test, trig and logs commands and more to come,
  • is implemented as a command-line calculator,
  • brings powerfull calculation facilities on floating point numbers with arbitrary precision provided by GNU MP and GNU MPFR libraries
  • uses that so cool reverse polish notation.

Doc overview

This page gives some examples and lists the commands currently implemented.

For a most complete help, please refer to HP28S and HP48GX manuals provided in the sources.

A help command is provided by rpn:

rpn> help

rpn v2.4.1, (c) 2022 <>
Reverse Polish Notation CLI calculator

Syntax: rpn [command]
with optional command = list of commands

help    this help message

Quick examples

Easy calculation with stacked results

rpn> 1 2 +
rpn> 2 sqrt
2> 3
1> 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980786

Programs and variables

rpn> << rot * swap 2 / neg dup sq rot - sqrt >> 'quadratic_solution' sto
rpn> 1 2 -3 quadratic_solution
2> -1
1> 2
rpn> vars
var 1: name 'quadratic_solution', type program, value << rot * swap 2 / chs dup sq rot - sqrt  >>

Local variables

rpn> << -> x y << x y + ln >> >> 'P' sto
rpn> 1 2 P
rpn> 1.0986122886681096913952452369225257046

Arbitrary precision

The number of significant digits can be very large thanks to GNU MPFR

rpn> 256 prec
rpn> pi
rpn> erase 10000 prec pi

Object types

The following objects are managed: floating numbers, complexes, symbols, strings, programs, plus language keywords (commands and flow controls).

5> 12.3456
4> (1,-2.33)
3> 'symbol'
2> "string"
1> << -> n << 0 1 n for i i 2 * inv + next >> >>

structured programming

Provided loop keywords for||step, do..until, while..repeat and control keywords if..then..[else]..end, ift, ifte allow you to program powerfull algorithms.

command line

rpn is a cli interface with an interactive editor with autocompletion provided by linenoise-ng.

Autocompletion works like those in Linux shells, with keys <tab>, Ctrl-R <search pattern> etc.


  • reals can be entered in decimal, binary, hexadecimal or arbitrary base from 2 to 62.
    • Binaries (base 2) are entered as 0b<number> or 0B<number>.
    • Hexadecimals (base 16) are entered as 0x<number> or 0X<number>.
    • Arbitrary base numbers are entered as <base>b<number>.
    • Representation can be individualy changed with keywords dec, bin, hex and <n> base.


rpn> 5.6 0xaabb 0b1101 7b1252
4> 5.6
3> 0xaabb
2> 0b1101
1> 7b1252

rpn> 7b1252 dec
1> 478



keyword description
help h ? this help message
quit q exit quit software
version show rpn version
uname show rpn complete identification string
history see commands history

usual operations - real and complex

keyword description
+ addition
- substraction
neg chs negation
* multiplication
/ division
inv inverse
^ pow power
sqrt square root
sq sqr square
abs absolute value for a number or sqrt(re*re+im*im) for a complex
dec decimal representation
hex hexadecimal representation
bin binary representation
base arbitrary base representation
sign sign of a real, unary vector in the same direction for a complex

operations on reals

keyword description
% purcent
%CH inverse purcent
mod modulo
fact n! for integer n or Gamma(x+1) for fractional x
mant mantissa of a real number
xpon exponant of a real number
floor largest number <=
ceil smallest number >=
ip integer part
fp fractional part
min min of 2 real numbers
max max of 2 real numbers

operations on complexes

keyword description
re complex real part
im complex imaginary part
conj complex conjugate
arg complex argument in radians
r->p rectangular to polar coordinates
p->r polar to rectangular coordinates
r->c transform 2 reals in a complex
c->r transform a complex in 2 reals


keyword description
std standard floating numbers representation. ex: std
fix fixed point representation. ex: 6 fix
sci scientific floating point representation. ex: 20 sci
prec set float precision in bits. ex: 256 prec
round set float rounding mode. Authorized values are:
"nearest (even)", "toward zero", "toward +inf", "toward -inf", "away from zero", "faithful rounding", "nearest (away from zero)"
default set float representation and precision to default
type show type of stack first entry


keyword description
> binary operator >
>= binary operator >=
< binary operator <
<= binary operator <=
!= binary operator != (different)
== binary operator == (equal)
and boolean operator and
or boolean operator or
xor boolean operator xor
not boolean operator not
same boolean operator same (equal)


keyword description
swap swap 2 first stack entries
drop drop first stack entry
drop2 drop 2 first stack entries
dropn drop n first stack entries
del erase drop all stack entries
rot rotate 3 first stack entries
dup duplicate first stack entry
dup2 duplicate 2 first stack entries
dupn duplicate n first stack entries
pick push a copy of the given stack level onto the stack
depth give stack depth
roll move a stack entry to the top of the stack
rolld move the element on top of the stack to a higher stack position
over push a copy of the element in stack level 2 onto the stack


keyword description
->str convert an object into a string
str-> convert a string into an object
chr convert ASCII character code in stack level 1 into a string
num return ASCII code of the first character of the string in stack level 1 as a real number
size return the length of the string
pos seach for the string in level 1 within the string in level 2
sub return a substring of the string in level 3


keyword description
if (test-instruction) if then (true-instructions) else (false-instructions) end
then used with if
else used with if
end used with various branch instructions
ift similar to if-then-end: (test-instruction) (true-instruction) ift
ifte similar to if-then-else-end: (test-instruction) (true-instruction) (false-instruction) ifte
start (start) (end) start (instructions) [next,(step) step]. ex: 10 20 30 1 2 start + next
for (start) (end) for (variable) (instructions) [next,(step) step]. ex: 1 2 for i i 'a' sto+ 0.1 step
next used with start and for
step used with start and for
do do (instructions) until (condition) end
until used with do
while while (test-instruction) repeat (loop-instructions) end
repeat used with while


keyword description
sto store a variable. ex: 1 'name' sto
rcl recall a variable. ex: 'name' rcl
purge delete a variable. ex: 'name' purge
vars list all variables
clusr erase all variables
edit edit a variable content
sto+ add to a stored variable. ex: 1 'name' sto+ 'name' 2 sto+
sto- substract to a stored variable. ex: 1 'name' sto- 'name' 2 sto-
sto* multiply a stored variable. ex: 3 'name' sto* 'name' 2 sto*
sto/ divide a stored variable. ex: 3 'name' sto/ 'name' 2 sto/
sneg negate a variable. ex: 'name' sneg
sinv inverse a variable. ex: 1 'name' sinv


keyword description
eval evaluate (run) a program, or recall a variable. ex: 'my_prog' eval
-> load program local variables. ex: << -> n m << 0 n m for i i + next >> >>

trig on reals and complexes

keyword description
pi pi constant
sin sinus
asin arg sinus
cos cosinus
acos arg cosinus
tan tangent
atan arg tangent
d->r convert degrees to radians
r->d convert radians to degrees

logs on reals and complexes

keyword description
e Euler constant
ln log logarithm base e
lnp1 ln(1+x) which is useful when x is close to 0
exp exponential
expm exp(x)-1 which is useful when x is close to 0
log10 logarithm base 10
alog10 exp10 exponential base 10
log2 logarithm base 2
alog2 exp2 exponential base 2
sinh hyperbolic sine
asinh inverse hyperbolic sine
cosh hyperbolic cosine
acosh inverse hyperbolic cosine
tanh hyperbolic tangent
atanh inverse hyperbolic tangent
time local time in ISO 8601 format HH:MM:SS
date local date in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD
ticks local date and time in µs


Default float mode is 'std' with 39 digits

Default floating point precision is 128 bits

Default rounding mode is 'nearest'


  • A set of complete test sheets are given in the test subdirectory.

  • All tests are run each at each pull on a pull request branch. Memory tests (valgrind) are also executed on each tests.

  • Test sheets syntax is

    # Test sheet example
    `default del`
    ## test step 1
    `1 dup 1 +`
    -> stack size should be 2
    -> stack should be 1, 2
    -> error should be 0
    ## test step 2
    `2 4 / 0.5 ==`
    -> stack should be 1
  • Test sheet can be played with the command test

    rpn> "" test
    rpn version is v2.3.2-68-g60099e3 Test sheet example
    ## test step 1 PASSED
    ## test step 2 PASSED
    run 2 tests: 2 passed, 0 failed (4 steps: 4 passed, 0 failed)
    Total: run 2 tests: 2 passed, 0 failed (4 steps: 4 passed, 0 failed)
  • Please follow these rules to write correct test sheets:

    • make the test sheet begins by default del

    • the 3 existing tests are -> stack size should be (number) -> stack should be (values separated by commas) -> error should be (error number)

    • put a command erase or even default erase after each test step

    • test output is done on stdout and is not stacked in rpn