It's my own coin catalog for keeping track of my coins
- table view
- tile view
Table has 5 comlumns:
- id
- name
- quantity
- type
- year of release
Also you can sort by all of these columns when clicked on table header.
When in tile view, each coin is displayed as a seperate tile with image, name, type and year of release as additional information.
When adding new coin these informations are necessary:
- name
- circulation (how many coins were made)
- year of release
- edge (side) of the coin
- lowest posible value
- price for I (best) condition
- price for II condition
- price fot III (lowest) condition
- type (existing or new)
- image (from url or local disk)
Stats include:
- total number of coins in each category
- number of coins in each year
- number of coinst in each price range in I, II, III conditions
- number of coins in each edge (side)