mvn clean package
To create a snapshot and immediately export to S3
hadoop jar target/snapshot-s3-util-1.0.0.jar com.imgur.backup.SnapshotS3Util --createExport --table <tableName> --bucketName <bucketName> --mappers <numMaps> --awsAccessKey <accessKey> --awsAccessSecret <accessSecret>
usage: BackupUtil [-a] -b <arg> -c | -e | -i | -x [-d <arg>] -k <arg>
[-l <arg>] [-m <arg>] [-n <arg>] [-p <arg>] -s <arg> [-t <arg>]
Backup utility for creating snapshots and exporting/importing to and from
-a,--s3n Use s3n protocol instead of s3. Might work
better, but beware of 5GB file limit imposed
by S3
-b,--bucketName <arg> The S3 bucket name where snapshots are
-c,--create Create HBase snapshot
-d,--hdfsPath <arg> The snapshot directory in HDFS. Default is
-e,--export Export HBase snapshot to S3
-i,--import Import HBase snapshot from S3. May need to
run as hbase user if importing into HBase
-k,--awsAccessKey <arg> The AWS access key
-l,--snapshotTtl <arg> Delete snapshots older than this value
(seconds) from running HBase cluster
-m,--mappers <arg> The number of parallel copiers if copying
to/from S3. Default: 1
-n,--snapshot <arg> The snapshot name. Required for importing
from S3
-p,--s3Path <arg> The snapshot directory in S3. Default is
-s,--awsAccessSecret <arg> The AWS access secret string
-t,--table <arg> The table name to create a snapshot from.
Required for creating a snapshot
-x,--createExport Create HBase snapshot AND export to S3