A few dependencies you will need.
- OpenGL
- DevIL (Developers Image Library) 1.7.8 (http://openil.sourceforge.net/)
- Bullet Physics Engine 2.76
- GNU C++ compiler. Haven't tried it with windows compilers yet.
- GLUT (window management and event handling). freeglut3 should work.
Bullet is included in this build, but you may have to download it and built it yourself.
I've only tested this in an Ubuntu linux machine.
# make
- 1 to 6 - Change Vehicle Models
- F1 - Vehicle view
- F2 - Free camera
- Up - Forward
- Down - Break
- Left - Steer left
- Right - Steer Right
- Z - Reverse/Drive
- W - move forward
- S - move backward
- A - Strafe left
- D - Strafe right
- Up - Look up
- Down - Look down
- Left - Look left
- Right - Look right
- G - loop through debug modes
- Q - quit