Below, find a list of resources we recommend throughout the cohort.
- Adding SSH key to GitLab and GitHub
- Optional terminal enhancement
- HomeBrew You will want this.
- Step 1 : On Windows, open a GitBash window, on Mac, open a Terminal Window
- Step 2 : Navigate to your "Home" folder with following command : cd ~
- Step 3 : Create a folder for your classwork and homework : mkdir DataClass
- Step 4 : Navigate to your class folder : cd ~/DataClass
- Step 5 : Clone the class GitLab repository :[Link to gitlab] (
- Step 6 : Navigate in to the class repo : cd UTA-VIRT-DATA-PT-11-2024-U-LOLC
- Step 7 : "Pull" the latest from the class repo : git pull
- Step 8 : Using the Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder, add your DataClass folder and your UTA-VIRT-DATA-PT-11-2024-U-LOLC folder to your Quick Access list or Favorites list respectively.
** If any issues or questions, we can address during office hours.
To install these you can (a) click on the extensions icon on the left of VSCode and searh for the extension, then click the green "install" button. If there is no install button and there IS a gear, it is already installed. You do NOT need the links, they are there for reference only.
- Live Server
- Extended Html5 Boilerplate
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Git Extension Pack
- Code Spell checker
set default git editor to VS Code: git config --global core.editor “code”
- Great Git collaboration video from former Instructor
02.Online Class Norms
03.Breakout Room Norms
04.Slack Norms
05.Keyboard Glossary
06.Keyboard Shortcuts
08.Getting Help