An Android app that lists a lot of beers.
![BeerUp] (
A Simple, clean and robust application. With a beautiful design. Lost network connection? No problem, it has offline content.
The app is simple: a very long list of beers that one can scroll. Each item of the list contains a picture and also, the name, the brewery, the style and the created date of the beer. The app for the content is using the REST API of the BreweryDB website.
- Widgets: RecyclerView, CardView
- Networking: Retrofit, Picasso
- Persistence:
- Testing: Espresso
- List the first 50 beers, when reaches the end of the list, it loads more beers, until there are no more pages.
- If the beer does not have an image, it will be filled by a standard image.
- As the REST API of BreweryDB only allows to obtain a list of all beers to the premium users, it was used the endpoint search (searching for the element "2").
- Brewery is not present, since the list of beers doesn't return the brewery.
- It will be necessary make the same number of calls as the same number of items to catch the brewery for each beer usign the RxJava with Retrofit. Unfortunately I could not make it in time. I'm still studying the RxJava.