WIP: implement functions for:
- Parameter settings mode: Pn000~Pn236:
- system control parameters: Pn00~Pn095 (WIP)
- position control parameter: Pn096~Pn145 (TODO)
- speed control parameters: Pn146~Pn185 (TODO)
- torque control parameters: Pn186~Pn215 (TODO)
- extended control parameter: Pn216~Pn236 (TODO)
- Monitoring mode: Dn000~Dn028 (TODO)
- Alarm reading mode: Fn000~Fn??? (TODO)
- 0
236 for Pn000Pn236 - 356
365 for Fn000Fn??? - 368
396 for Dn000Dn028
Configuration: Host is Windows 10 with Docker Desktop, Ubuntu WSL, XLaunch (Xming) and usbipd installed.
Follow instructions here to install usbipd-win
software for sharing locally connected USB devices to other machines, including WSL 2
Install Xming X Server for Windows here
Ubuntu WSL is the bridge between the host (Windows 10) and the docker container where we'll develop.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install linux-tools-virtual hwdata
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/usbip usbip `ls /usr/lib/linux-tools/*/usbip | tail -n1` 20
Check that Docker Desktop and WSL are running:
wsl -l -v
Should print:
* docker-desktop-data Running 2
docker-desktop Running 2
Ubuntu Running 2
In Windows terminal, list all usb devices attached: usbipd list
Attach the COM port where the RS485 usb device is plugged: usbipd wsl attach -d Ubuntu -b <BUSID>
. You can check in Ubuntu WSL with lsusb
cd to this root dir where is the Dockerfile
and build:
docker build --tag=modbus6dof:dev .
Check the vEthernet(WSL) IP address in Windows with ipconfig
and check the Ubuntu WSL IP with cat /proc/net/fib_trie
. By using this website select an IP address which matches CIDR (e.g. for this tuto) then run the container:
docker run --ip -it --rm --privileged -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0.0 -v "e:\dev\instrumentation\hardware\6DOF":/6dof:rw --name=6dof_dev modbus6dof:dev bash
run XLaunch
from Windows host with default params
run the test app in the container:
cd /6dof
python main_assd15.py
detach usb device physically or use this command: usbipd wsl detach -b <BUSID>
in Windows terminal.
The default serial port settings for RS485 modbus rtu is 8-bits
data, Odd
parity, 1-bit
stop, 115200
Before using this module, you have to change the Pn065 parameter to 1
for motor1
, 2
for motor2
, etc. This is the site address for communication.
Note: With RS485 you can connect all your 6 AASD comports to one USB-RS485 adaptator using 2 120 Ohm
terminal resistors.
- list your COM ports to find which COM port is connected your usb-rs485 adaptator:
from serial.tools.list_ports import comports
list_comm = comports()
for port in list_comm:
for m in port.__dict_keys():
print(m, ": ", port.__getattribute__(m))
- define the motor identity and the COM port:
motor_id = 1
port = 'COM7' # change here for your actual COM port
- setup the modbus rtu client for your usb-rs485 adaptator
from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient as ModbusClient
client = ModbusClient(
- goto editing mode if not yet:
Pn, nbyte = 0, 1
rr = client.read_holding_registers(Pn, nbyte, unit=motor_id)
if rr.getRegister(0) != 1: # change to editing mode
client.write_register(Pn, 1, unit=motor_id)
- set the driver for 80st-m02430 motor:
Pn, value = 1, 4
client.write_register(Pn, value, unit=motor_id) # motor code for 80st-m02430 is 4
- WARNING for test only: enable the driver when power on:
Pn, value = 3, 1
client.write_register(Pn, value, unit=motor_id)