Developed using TMDB API,
the application of the films that can be observed according to certain category tabs
and the viewing of movie details.
and also can be filtered, sorted, searchable.
able to make additions or deletions to the favorites list
able to view your favorite list.
+Used Glide
+Used Retrofit2
+Used Retrofit2:converter-gson
+Used android:support:design
+Used android:support:cardview
+Used android:support:recyclerview
+Used sqlite database for favorite list manage
+Used and fallowed material design principles
+Used Java and 3rd party libraries
+Followed the principles on Clean Code ( Naming - Class & function sizes - Formatting, etc. )
+Used Proguard and code obfuscation, and works as expected.
+minifyEnabled have true for Debug / unsigned / release build types
+Project has not info and debug logging, has some error logging
-Not Writen Unit test