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HMS ML Kit BCR Codelab code encapsulates APIs of the HUAWEI ML Kit SDK and BCR feature. 
It provides recognise your Bank Card number and copy for enter the forms without losing time With ML Kit.
The bank card recognition service can quickly recognize information such as the bank card number, covering mainstream bank cards such as China UnionPay, American Express, Mastercard, Visa, and JCB around the world.
It is widely used in finance and payment scenarios requiring bank card binding to quickly extract bank card information, realizing quick input of bank card information.
Please refer to this link for more information :

Before you use this codelab, it's assumed that you already have a HUAWEI developer account and have already created an app to implement the HMS ML Kit. 
If you haven't, please refer to 


Before using HMS ML Kit BCR Codelab code, check whether the Android Studio environment has been installed. 
Download the HMS ML Kit BCR Codelab project by zip or clone in Github.
Wait for the gradle build in your project.

Supported Environments

•	Android Studio 3.x or later version
•	Java JDK 1.8 or later version
•	EMUI 5.0 or later version
•	HMS Core (APK) or later version
•	Android 4.4 or later


1. Register and sign in to HUAWEI Developers.
2. Create a project and then create an app in the project, enter the project package name.
3. Go to Project Settings > Manage APIs, find the ML Kit API, and enable it.
4. Go to Project Settings > General information, click Set next to Data storage location under Project information, and select a data storage location in the displayed dialog box.
5. Download the agconnect-services.json file and place it to the app's root directory of the project.
6. Add the Maven repository address maven {url ''} and plug-in class path 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:' to the project-level build.gradle file.
7. Add apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect' to the last line of the app-level build.gradle file.
8. Configure the dependency com.huawei.hms:ml-computer-card-bcr: in the app-level buildle.gradle file.
9. Configure the dependency com.jakewharton:butterknife:10.2.3 in the app-level buildle.gradle file.
10. Synchronize the project.

Sample Code

HMS ML Kit BCR Codelab code uses the Client structure in the project.The following describes methods in the Client structure.

1) Create and initialize of MLBcrCapture.Callback.
You can obtain the initialized MLBcrCapture.Callback instance 
Code location com.hms.codelab.mlkit.bankcardrecognition/MainActivity.kt

2) Create and initialize of MLBcrCaptureConfig.Factory
You can obtain the initialized MLBcrCaptureConfig object 
Code location com.hms.codelab.mlkit.bankcardrecognition/MainActivity.kt

3) Create and initialize of MBcrCapture 
You can obtain the initialized MLBcrCaptureFactory.getInstance().getBcrCapture(config) object 
Code location com.hms.codelab.mlkit.bankcardrecognition/MainActivity.kt

4) Invoke checkAndRequestPermissions function when click the, buttons
You can request permissions
Code location com.hms.codelab.mlkit.bankcardrecognition/MainActivity.kt

5) Invoke startMLBcrCaptureCameraStream function if permissions were has got granted in onRequestPermissionsResult method
You can start MLBcrCaptureCameraStream for recognition
Code location com.hms.codelab.mlkit.bankcardrecognition/MainActivity.kt

6) Invoke displaySuccessAnalyseResults function to show recognised card details
You can obtain Analyse Result details details with MLBcrCaptureResult param in Callback onSuccess
Code location com.hms.codelab.mlkit.bankcardrecognition/MainActivity.kt

7) Invoke copyTextToClipboard function with view param when click the or click other textViews thats are showing recognised card numbers partially
You can obtain coppied card number
Code location com.hms.codelab.mlkit.bankcardrecognition/MainActivity.kt


HMS ML Kit BCR Codelab is licensed under the [Apache License, version 2.0](


Step Guide for BankCardRecognitionCodelab projects TODO








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