- Histograms
- Probability distributions
- Normal distribution
- Population parameters
- Estimated parameters
- Mean, variance and standard deviation
- Theory
- K means clustering
- Practicals
- Algorithm
- Elbow method
- Theory
- Decision tree classifier
- Practicals
- Decision tree classifier
- Hyperparameter selection
- Theory
- Random forest classifier
- Practicals
- Random forest classifier
- Hyperparameter selection
- Theory
- Support Vector Machine
- Practicals
- Support Vector Machine
- Theory
- Principal Component Analysis
- Practicals
- Principal Component Analysis
- Theory
- Probability
- Baye's rule
- Naive Bayes
- Laplacian smoothing
- Practicals
- Naive Bayes Classifier
- What is Artificial Neural Network (ANN) ?
- ANN Classification
- Linear regression
- Logistic regression
- Gradient descent
- Gradient descent for logistic regression
- Back propagation for neural network
- Activation functions
- Classification model
- Regression model
- CNN applications
- Convolution
- Image convolution
- Convolution layer
- Pooling layer
- ANN v/s CNN
- Image classification
- Autoencoder - Denoise documents
- VGG network
- Residual network
- Network in network
- MobileNet
- RNN applications
- RNN model
- Back propagation through time
- Different types of RNN
- Featurized representation
- Visualizing word embeddings
- Using word embeddings
- Embedding matrix
- Learning word embeddings
- Generative Adversarial Networks
- Feature engineering
- Generator
- Discriminator
- Parameters
- Hyperparameters
- Parameters v/s hyperparameters
- Theory
- Practical
- Theory
- Practical
- Theory
- Practical - Gray to color image conversion
- Theory
- Practical
- Theory
- Practical
- ImageNet
- Open Images Dataset
- Microsoft Common Objects in Context - MS COCO dataset
- Chinese City Parking Dataset - CCPD
- Kaggle
- TensorFlow Dataset
- Datahub.i0
- Batch normalization
- Instance normalization
- Feature selection
- Principal Component Analysis
- Data Driven AI development
- Data augmentation
- Raspberry pi
- NVIDIA Jetson
- NVIDIA Xavier
- Google Coral
- NVIDIA TensorRT - Image classification
- gRPC
- NVIDIA Triton Inference Server
- Bias
- Variance
- Bias and variance tradeoff
- Reduce bias
- Reduce variance
- Regularization
- Dropout
- Weight decay
- Data augmentation
- Theory
- Interpretable AI
- Explainable AI
- Interpretable AI v/s Explainable AI
- Practical
- Interpretable AI
- Explainable AI
- Problem representation design patterns
- Reframing design pattern
- Ensables design pattern
- Rebalancing design pattern
- Model training design patterns
- Transfer learning design pattern
- Checkpoints design pattern
- Reproducibility design patterns
- Transform design pattern
- Model versioning design pattern
- Responsible AI design patterns
- Fairness lens design pattern
- Image classification
- Object detection
- Image segmentation
- Image captioning
- Machine translation - LSTM
- Machine translation - Transformer