A utility to spawn fresh Gradle/Scala projects
- scala 2.12.8
- gradle wrapper 5.4.1
- dockerfile
- scalatest
- log4j2
- Clone this project into a directory of your choosing.
- Run the starter script and respond to the prompts:
The starter will bootstrap a fresh project in a new local directory.
- Liftoff 🚀
The starter script runs a few ./gradlew
tasks as the last step in the setup. Additional builds, testing, and
bundling can be had by running the following ./gradlew
# Run tests
./gradlew clean test
# Bundle the project
./gradlew clean shadowjar
# Run the project
./gradlew clean run
If using IntelliJ IDEA:
- close any existing projects to arrive at the "Welcome" menu
- select "Import Project"
- select your local project directory
- choose "Import project from external model", with Gradle as the model option
- choose "Use default gradle wrapper" and press "Finish"
# Build the bundled jar
./gradlew clean shadowJar
# Build the docker image and tag it with your project name (e.g. myproject)
docker build -t myproject .
# Run the docker image
docker run myproject:latest