Run Terraform with Minecraft! A fun way of experimenting with Minecraft and Terraform
- Git clone the repo on your laptop
- Enter the repo with cd ./terracraft and run
docker-compose up
ordocker-compose up -d
to start the minecraft server container - Launch the Minecraft App from your client and connect to the server in the Multiplayer section
- Make your player an op user to allow interaction with the /bashful command to run bash commands on the Minecraft server
- Now press 't' on the PC to enable the chat mode on Minecraft and test the terminal with
/bashful echo hello world
- The Terraform folder and example is located in home/terraform/ec2 (but feel free to move it) - you can run terraform commands there e.g.
/bashful terraform -chdir=home/terraform/ec2 init
then/bashful terraform -chdir=home/terraform/ec2 plan -out=tfplan
and finally/bashful terraform -chdir=home/terraform/ec2 apply -auto-approve
Have fun!