A cf CLI plugin for interacting with Log Cache.
If you have any questions, or want to get attention for a PR or issue please reach out on the #logging-and-metrics channel in the cloudfoundry slack
Install directly from the Cloud Foundry CLI Plugin Repository:
cf install-plugin -r CF-Community "log-cache"
Or, you can download a pre-built binary from GitHub:
# Linux
wget https://github.com/cloudfoundry/log-cache-cli/releases/latest/download/log-cache-cf-plugin-linux
cf install-plugin -f log-cache-cf-plugin-linux
wget https://github.com/cloudfoundry/log-cache-cli/releases/latest/download/log-cache-cf-plugin-darwin
cf install-plugin -f log-cache-cf-plugin-darwin
# Windows
wget https://github.com/cloudfoundry/log-cache-cli/releases/latest/download/log-cache-cf-plugin-windows
cf install-plugin -f log-cache-cf-plugin-windows
Alternatively, you can build from source:
git clone git@github.com:cloudfoundry/log-cache-cli.git
cd log-cache-cli
Please review the Release Guide for details on how to release a new version of the plugin.
$ cf tail --help
tail - Output logs for a source-id/app
tail [options] <source-id/app>
--start-time Start of query range in UNIX nanoseconds.
--end-time End of query range in UNIX nanoseconds.
--follow, -f Output appended to stdout as logs are egressed.
--lines, -n Number of envelopes to return. Default is 10.
--envelope-class, -c Envelope class filter. Available filters: 'logs', 'metrics', and 'any'.
--envelope-type, -t Envelope type filter. Available filters: 'log', 'counter', 'gauge', 'timer', 'event', and 'any'.
--json Output envelopes in JSON format.
--name-filter Filters metrics by name.
--new-line Character used for new line substition, must be single unicode character. Default is '\n'.
$ cf log-meta --help
log-meta - Show all available meta information
log-meta [options]
--guid Display raw source GUIDs with no source Names. Incompativle with 'source' and 'source-type' for --sort-by. Incompatible with 'application' for --source-type
--noise Fetch and display the rate of envelopes per minute for the last minute. WARNING: This is slow...
--sort-by Sort by specified column. Available: 'source-id', 'source', 'source-type', 'count', 'expired', 'cache-duration', and 'rate'.
--source-type Source type of information to show. Available: 'all', 'application', 'service', 'platform', and 'unknown'. Excludes unknown sources unless 'all' or 'unknown' is selected, or `--guid` is used. To receive information on platform or unknown source id's, you must have the doppler.firehose, or logs.admin scope.
cf query --help
query - Issues a PromQL query against Log Cache
query <promql-query> [options]
--end End time for a range query. Cannont be used with --time. Can be a unix timestamp or RFC3339.
--start Start time for a range query. Cannont be used with --time. Can be a unix timestamp or RFC3339.
--step Step interval for a range query. Cannot be used with --time.
--time Effective time for query execution of an instant query. Cannont be used with --start, --end, or --step. Can be a unix timestamp or RFC3339.
Example cf query
cf query "cpu{source_id='73467cc3-261a-472e-80e8-d6eadfd30d98'}" --start 1580231000 --end 1580231060 --step 1