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File metadata and controls

141 lines (115 loc) · 7.04 KB


This is CFFI wrapper for the Nuklear IM GUI library with liballegro backend, to be used with cl-liballegro.

Nuklear is minimal immediate-mode graphical user interface toolkit. To use it alongside liballegro, you have to write some amount of glue code. This library brings both Nuklear itself and that glue code to Common Lisp, so you can just plug it in and have some nice minimal GUI in your cl-liballegro-powered application.




Just execute (ql:quickload :cl-liballegro-nuklear) in your Lisp.

To get the latest version of the package, install Lucky Lambda Quicklisp distribution.

Note: upon loading this library with asdf, the corresponding foreign library is automatically built (allegro_nuklear.dll on Windows, on more sane operating systems), so you'll have to have compiler toolchain and liballegro dev files installed on your machine.

Currently tested to work on following OSes:

...and on following Lisp compilers:


(ql:quickload '(:cl-liballegro :cl-liballegro-nuklear :float-features))

(cffi:defcallback main :int ((argc :int) (argv :pointer))
  (al:init) (al:init-primitives-addon) (al:init-image-addon)
  (al:init-font-addon) (al:init-ttf-addon)
  (let ((display (al:create-display 800 600))
        (queue (al:create-event-queue)))
    (al:register-event-source queue (al:get-display-event-source display))
    (al:register-event-source queue (al:get-mouse-event-source))
    (cffi:with-foreign-object (ev '(:union al:event))
      (loop :with font := (nk:allegro-font-create-from-file
                           "Roboto-Regular.ttf" 12 0)
            :with ctx := (nk:allegro-init font display 800 600)
        :do (let ((get-event (al:wait-for-event-timed queue ev 0.06)))
              (when (and get-event (eq (cffi:foreign-slot-value
                                        ev '(:union al:event) 'al::type)
              (nk:input-begin ctx)
              (loop :while get-event
                    :do (nk:allegro-handle-event ev)
                        (setf get-event (al:get-next-event queue ev)))
              (nk:input-end ctx)
              (unless (zerop (nk:begin ctx "Demo"
                                       '(nk::w 100f0 nk::h 100f0) 0))
                (nk:layout-row-static ctx 30f0 80 1)
                (unless (zerop (nk:button-label ctx "button"))
                  (format t "button pressed~%"))
                (nk:end ctx)
        :finally (nk:allegro-font-del font)
                 (al:destroy-display display)
                 (al:destroy-event-queue queue)
                 (return 0)))))

    (:divide-by-zero :invalid :inexact :overflow :underflow)
  (al:run-main 0 (cffi:null-pointer) (cffi:callback main)))

See example.lisp for more involved example.

Note: nk:prog is renamed to nk:prog- because of obvious NAME-CONFLICT error.

There's also lispy interface making library interaction more idiomatic of CL. See docstrings in lispy.lisp for documentation.

Declarative interface

There's also declarative interface in separate package cl-liballegro-nuklear/declarative which allows you to define a function doing all required FFI calls and type conversions. To do that, use defwindow macro in the following fashion:

(uiop:add-package-local-nickname :ui :cl-liballegro-nuklear/declarative)

(ui:defwindow demo ()
    (:x 50 :y 50 :w 200 :h 200
     :flags (border movable))
  (ui:layout-row-static :height 30 :item-width 80 :columns 1)
  (ui:button-label "button"
    (format t "button pressed!~%"))))

;; then somewhere in your main loop
(demo nuklear-context)

;; another example:
(ui:defwindow loading (&key progress file)
    (:w display-width :h display-height
     :styles ((:item-color :window-fixed-background :r 20)))
  (declare (type alexandria:non-negative-fixnum progress))
  (ui:layout-space (:format :dynamic :height 54 :widget-count 1)
    (ui:layout-space-push :x 0.28 :y 6 :w 0.45 :h 1)
    (ui:styles ((:item-color :progress-normal :r 50 :g 50 :b 50)
                (:item-color :progress-cursor-normal :g 50)
                (:vec2 :progress-padding :x 0 :y 0))
      (ui:progress :current progress))
    (ui:label (format nil " Loading ~a..." file)))))

;; then somewhere in your main loop
(loading nuklear-context :progress 42 :file "some.file")

See declarative.lisp for details.

Games made using cl-liballegro-nuklear

Related projects

  • bodge-nuklear, which depends on nuklear-blob is other CFFI wrapper for Nuklear. It does not include glue code for liballegro, but designed to work with OpenGL-based cl-bodge game framework.


Merge requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
