Note: these are Linux-based instructions! If you're on Windows or Mac things will be different.
Download u-Blox u-center. When you get to this page, scroll down a bit until you see the button for "Documentation & resources". There you'll find a section called "Evaluation software" where you can download a zip file.
Yes, it is a windows executable, but we assume you installed wine. Once you download the zip file, extract it. Then go with your command line to that folder and type wine u-center_vXX.xx.exe
(whatever the latest version number is). That will launch a Windows installer.
Go through the installation process, but don't accept the standard installation path; that probably won't work (and will be a hassle to find anyway). Put it somewhere on your hard drive that you can remember and easily find.
After installation, plug your Ardusimple into your computer with a USB cable (it needs to be the USB port labelled power and GPS
, not the one on the other side, which is for the radio). Navigate again on the command line to where you installed the program and type wine u-center.exe
. This will start the u-center application.
You may have to set the permission on the emulated Windows port to access the device via USB. For example, sudo chmod 777 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com33