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Boris Lovosevic edited this page Jan 18, 2018 · 8 revisions

machine Module

Class Timer

This class includes support for using ESP32 hardware timer peripheral

The ESP32 chip contains two hardware timer groups. Each group has two general-purpose hardware timers. They are all 64-bit generic timers based on 16-bit prescalers and 64-bit auto-reload-capable up / down counters.

Several timer types are available:

Type Description
ONE_SHOT When timer is started, it runs for defined time and stops. The given callback function is executed when thedefined time elapses.
PERIODIC Timer runs repeatedly until explicitly stopped. When defined time expires the given callback function is executed
CHRONO Used for measuring the elapsed time with us precision. Can be started, paused, resumed and stopped
EXTBASE Base timer for extended timers. Only timer 0 can be used for this type.
EXTENDED Up to 8 extended timers can be used if timer 0 is configured as EXTBASE type timer.
That way total of 11 timers can be used. Extended timers can operate only as ONE_SHOT or PERIODIC timers.

Create the Timer instance object

tm = machine.Timer(timer_no)

timer_no argument is the timer number to be used for the timer.
It can be 0 - 3 for 4 hardware timers or 4 - 11 for extended timers.
If extended timer is selected, timer 0 mus already be configured as EXTBASE type timer.

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