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lores1337 edited this page Aug 1, 2024 · 7 revisions

You`re welcome to contribute to aiogram-broadcaster!

aiogram-broadcaster is an open-source project, and anyone can contribute to it in any possible way.


Before making any changes in the framework code, it is necessary to fork the project and clone the project to your PC and know how to do a pull-request.

How to work with pull-request you can read in the GitHub docs

Also in due to this project is written in Python, you will need Python to be installed (is recommended to use latest Python versions, but any version starting from 3.8 can be used)

Setup project

After activating the environment install aiogram-broadcaster from sources and their dependencies.

pip install --editable .[all]

It will install aiogram-broadcaster in editable mode into your virtual environment and all dependencies.

Making changes in code

At this point you can make any changes in the code that you want, it can be any fixes, implementing new features or experimenting.

Format the code (code-style)

Note that this project is Black-formatted, so you should follow that code-style, too be sure You're correctly doing this let's reformat the code automatically:

make format

Run tests

All changes should be tested:

make test

Describe changes

Describe your changes in one or more sentences so that bot developers know what's changed in their favorite framework - create <code>.<category>.rst file and write the description.

<code> is Issue or pull request number, after release link to this issue will be published to the Changelog page.

<category> is a changes category marker, it can be one of:

  • feature - when you are implementing new feature
  • bugfix - when you fix a bug
  • removal - when you remove something from the framework
  • misc - when changed something inside the Core or project configuration

If you have troubles with changing category feel free to ask Core-contributors to help with choosing it.


After you have made all your changes, publish them to the repository and create a pull request as mentioned at the beginning of the article and wait for a review of these changes.

Star on GitHub

You can "star" repository on GitHub - (click the star button at the top right)

Adding stars makes it easier for other people to find this project and understand how useful it is.


You can write guides how to develop Bots on top of aiogram-broadcaster and publish it into YouTube, Medium, GitHub Books, any Courses platform or any other platform that you know.

This will help more people learn about the framework and learn how to use it.