LNX-165: Improve lnx fs cache #220
2 errors and 45 warnings
`todo` should not be present in production code:
error: `todo` should not be present in production code
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/mod.rs:100:9
100 | todo!()
| ^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#todo
Clippy had exited with the 101 exit code
The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see: https://github.blog/changelog/2022-10-11-github-actions-deprecating-save-state-and-set-output-commands/
The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see: https://github.blog/changelog/2022-10-11-github-actions-deprecating-save-state-and-set-output-commands/
The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see: https://github.blog/changelog/2022-10-11-github-actions-deprecating-save-state-and-set-output-commands/
The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see: https://github.blog/changelog/2022-10-11-github-actions-deprecating-save-state-and-set-output-commands/
very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions:
warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/gc.rs:73:15
73 | triggers: BTreeMap<u64, SmallVec<[(Range<u64>, TriggerCallback); 1]>>,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#type_complexity
= note: `#[warn(clippy::type_complexity)]` on by default
deref which would be done by auto-deref:
warning: deref which would be done by auto-deref
--> lnx-fs/src/metastore/mod.rs:125:34
125 | .filter(|entry| pred(&*entry))
| ^^^^^^^ help: try: `entry`
= help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#explicit_auto_deref
= note: `#[warn(clippy::explicit_auto_deref)]` on by default
this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler:
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> lnx-fs/src/metastore/mod.rs:125:34
125 | .filter(|entry| pred(&*entry))
| ^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `*entry`
= help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_borrow
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_borrow)]` on by default
deref on an immutable reference:
warning: deref on an immutable reference
--> lnx-fs/src/metastore/mod.rs:125:34
125 | .filter(|entry| pred(&*entry))
| ^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#borrow_deref_ref
= note: `#[warn(clippy::borrow_deref_ref)]` on by default
help: if you would like to reborrow, try removing `&*`
125 - .filter(|entry| pred(&*entry))
125 + .filter(|entry| pred(entry))
help: if you would like to deref, try using `&**`
125 - .filter(|entry| pred(&*entry))
125 + .filter(|entry| pred(&**entry))
the following explicit lifetimes could be elided: 'a:
warning: the following explicit lifetimes could be elided: 'a
--> lnx-fs/src/metastore/mutate.rs:14:6
14 | impl<'a> BulkMetastoreModifyOperation<'a> {
| ^^ ^^
= help: for further information visit https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#needless_lifetimes
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_lifetimes)]` on by default
help: elide the lifetimes
14 - impl<'a> BulkMetastoreModifyOperation<'a> {
14 + impl BulkMetastoreModifyOperation<'_> {
associated items `ALLOCATED`, `TO_BE_FREED`, `is_allocated`, and `is_to_be_freed` are never used:
warning: associated items `ALLOCATED`, `TO_BE_FREED`, `is_allocated`, and `is_to_be_freed` are never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/page.rs:159:11
158 | impl PageFlags {
| -------------- associated items in this implementation
159 | const ALLOCATED: u8 = 1 << 0;
| ^^^^^^^^^
160 | const TO_BE_FREED: u8 = 1 << 1;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
163 | pub(super) fn is_allocated(&self) -> bool {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
168 | pub(super) fn is_to_be_freed(&self) -> bool {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
struct `PageFlags` is never constructed:
warning: struct `PageFlags` is never constructed
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/page.rs:156:19
156 | pub(super) struct PageFlags(u8);
| ^^^^^^^^^
methods `load`, `set_free`, `set_allocated`, and `set_to_be_freed` are never used:
warning: methods `load`, `set_free`, `set_allocated`, and `set_to_be_freed` are never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/page.rs:138:19
136 | impl AtomicPageFlags {
| -------------------- methods in this implementation
137 | /// Performs a relaxed load of the page flags.
138 | pub(super) fn load(&self) -> PageFlags {
| ^^^^
142 | fn set_free(&self) {
| ^^^^^^^^
146 | fn set_allocated(&self) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
150 | fn set_to_be_freed(&self) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
field `0` is never read:
warning: field `0` is never read
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/page.rs:134:35
134 | pub(super) struct AtomicPageFlags(AtomicU8);
| --------------- ^^^^^^^^
| |
| field in this struct
= help: consider removing this field
= note: `AtomicPageFlags` has a derived impl for the trait `Default`, but this is intentionally ignored during dead code analysis
associated items `new`, `len`, `at`, and `pointer_to_index` are never used:
warning: associated items `new`, `len`, `at`, and `pointer_to_index` are never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/page.rs:96:19
94 | impl PageStateTable {
| ------------------- associated items in this implementation
95 | /// Creates a new page state table with the given num pages.
96 | pub(super) fn new(num_pages: usize) -> Self {
| ^^^
109 | pub(super) fn len(&self) -> usize {
| ^^^
115 | pub(super) fn at(&self, idx: PageId) -> &PageState {
| ^^
123 | pub(super) fn pointer_to_index(&self, page: *const PageState) -> PageId {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
field `table` is never read:
warning: field `table` is never read
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/page.rs:91:5
90 | pub(super) struct PageStateTable {
| -------------- field in this struct
91 | table: Box<[PageState]>,
| ^^^^^
multiple associated items are never used:
warning: multiple associated items are never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/page.rs:20:8
19 | impl PageState {
| -------------- associated items in this implementation
20 | fn empty() -> Self {
| ^^^^^
29 | pub(super) fn is_locked(&self) -> bool {
| ^^^^^^^^^
35 | pub(super) fn flags(&self) -> PageFlags {
| ^^^^^
44 | pub(super) unsafe fn set_free_unchecked(&self) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
53 | pub(super) unsafe fn set_allocated_unchecked(&self) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
62 | pub(super) unsafe fn set_to_be_freed_unchecked(&self) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
74 | pub(super) unsafe fn try_acquire_write_guard(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
fields `lock` and `flags` are never read:
warning: fields `lock` and `flags` are never read
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/page.rs:14:5
12 | pub(super) struct PageState {
| --------- fields in this struct
13 | /// The write lock guard for synchronizing writes.
14 | lock: PageMutex,
| ^^^^
15 | /// The flags set for the given page.
16 | flags: AtomicPageFlags,
| ^^^^^
type alias `PageWriteLockGuard` is never used:
warning: type alias `PageWriteLockGuard` is never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/page.rs:6:17
6 | pub(super) type PageWriteLockGuard<'a> = parking_lot::MutexGuard<'a, ()>;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
variants `RegisterGeneration` and `RegisterTrigger` are never constructed:
warning: variants `RegisterGeneration` and `RegisterTrigger` are never constructed
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/gc.rs:195:5
181 | enum GCEvent {
| ------- variants in this enum
195 | RegisterGeneration {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
205 | RegisterTrigger {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
field `guard` is never read:
warning: field `guard` is never read
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/gc.rs:71:5
69 | struct CacheGCActor {
| ------------ field in this struct
70 | /// The guard marks the GC as dead when dropped.
71 | guard: ThreadLiveGuard,
| ^^^^^
= note: `CacheGCActor` has a derived impl for the trait `Default`, but this is intentionally ignored during dead code analysis
function `register_trigger` is never used:
warning: function `register_trigger` is never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/gc.rs:50:15
50 | pub(crate) fn register_trigger<CB>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
function `track_generation` is never used:
warning: function `track_generation` is never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/gc.rs:38:15
38 | pub(crate) fn track_generation(file_id: u64, generation_id: u64) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
methods `size`, `mark_to_be_freed`, and `write` are never used:
warning: methods `size`, `mark_to_be_freed`, and `write` are never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/block.rs:140:12
137 | impl MutPageRef {
| --------------- methods in this implementation
140 | pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
| ^^^^
149 | pub(super) unsafe fn mark_to_be_freed(&mut self) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
162 | pub(super) unsafe fn write(&mut self, buffer: &[u8]) {
| ^^^^^
struct `MutPageRef` is never constructed:
warning: struct `MutPageRef` is never constructed
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/block.rs:131:19
131 | pub(super) struct MutPageRef {
| ^^^^^^^^^^
function `get_num_pages` is never used:
warning: function `get_num_pages` is never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/block.rs:122:4
122 | fn get_num_pages(size: usize, page_size: usize) -> usize {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
multiple associated items are never used:
warning: multiple associated items are never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/block.rs:25:19
24 | impl VirtualFileBlock {
| --------------------- associated items in this implementation
25 | pub(super) fn allocate(size: usize, page_size: PageSize) -> io::Result<Self> {
| ^^^^^^^^
43 | pub fn virtual_address_space_usage(&self) -> usize {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
48 | pub fn page_size(&self) -> PageSize {
| ^^^^^^^^^
54 | pub fn page_at(&self, page_id: PageId) -> &PageState {
| ^^^^^^^
60 | pub(super) unsafe fn pointer_to_page_id(&self, ptr: *const PageState) -> PageId {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
73 | pub(super) unsafe fn get_page_ptr(&self, page_id: PageId) -> *const u8 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
87 | pub(super) unsafe fn get_mut_page(&self, page_id: PageId) -> MutPageRef {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
106 | pub(super) unsafe fn free_page(&self, page_id: PageId) {
| ^^^^^^^^^
fields `mem`, `page_state_table`, and `page_size` are never read:
warning: fields `mem`, `page_state_table`, and `page_size` are never read
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/block.rs:16:5
12 | pub(super) struct VirtualFileBlock {
| ---------------- fields in this struct
16 | mem: memmap2::MmapMut,
| ^^^
17 | /// A set of page states for the memory.
18 | page_state_table: PageStateTable,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
21 | page_size: PageSize,
| ^^^^^^^^^
type alias `PageId` is never used:
warning: type alias `PageId` is never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/block.rs:9:10
9 | pub type PageId = usize;
| ^^^^^^
methods `bytes_range`, `write`, `write_partial`, and `write_unchecked` are never used:
warning: methods `bytes_range`, `write`, `write_partial`, and `write_unchecked` are never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/mod.rs:285:12
282 | impl WriteRequest {
| ----------------- methods in this implementation
285 | pub fn bytes_range(&self) -> Range<usize> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
292 | pub fn write(self, buffer: &[u8]) {
| ^^^^^
309 | pub unsafe fn write_partial(self, buffer: &[u8]) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
328 | unsafe fn write_unchecked(mut self, buffer: &[u8]) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
struct `WriteRequest` is never constructed:
warning: struct `WriteRequest` is never constructed
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/mod.rs:271:12
271 | pub struct WriteRequest {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
methods `outstanding_writes`, `try_finish`, `check_inflight_locks`, and `err_if_outstanding_writes` are never used:
warning: methods `outstanding_writes`, `try_finish`, `check_inflight_locks`, and `err_if_outstanding_writes` are never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/mod.rs:158:12
154 | impl PreparedRead {
| ----------------- methods in this implementation
158 | pub fn outstanding_writes(&self) -> &[WriteRequest] {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
166 | pub async fn try_finish(&mut self) -> Result<ReadRef, OutstandingWritesError> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^
203 | fn check_inflight_locks(&mut self) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
256 | fn err_if_outstanding_writes(&self) -> Result<(), OutstandingWritesError> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
struct `PreparedRead` is never constructed:
warning: struct `PreparedRead` is never constructed
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/mod.rs:124:12
124 | pub struct PreparedRead {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
methods `prepare_read` and `prepare_read_inner` are never used:
warning: methods `prepare_read` and `prepare_read_inner` are never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/mod.rs:91:12
79 | impl FilePageCache {
| ------------------ methods in this implementation
91 | pub fn prepare_read<K: Hash>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
99 | fn prepare_read_inner(&self, file_id: u64) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
struct `FilePageCache` is never constructed:
warning: struct `FilePageCache` is never constructed
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/mod.rs:69:12
69 | pub struct FilePageCache {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
static `PAGE_WRITE_WAKER` is never used:
warning: static `PAGE_WRITE_WAKER` is never used
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/mod.rs:46:8
46 | static PAGE_WRITE_WAKER: [Notify; 32] = [const { Notify::const_new() }; 32];
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
associated items `from_available_memory`, `num_bytes`, and `is_aligned` are never used:
warning: associated items `from_available_memory`, `num_bytes`, and `is_aligned` are never used
--> lnx-fs/src/config.rs:44:12
42 | impl PageSize {
| ------------- associated items in this implementation
43 | /// Returns the page size based on the available memory.
44 | pub fn from_available_memory(size_in_bytes: usize) -> Self {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
62 | pub fn num_bytes(&self) -> usize {
| ^^^^^^^^^
68 | pub fn is_aligned(&self, pos: usize) -> bool {
| ^^^^^^^^^^
variants `Size8KB`, `Size16KB`, `Size32KB`, and `Size64KB` are never constructed:
warning: variants `Size8KB`, `Size16KB`, `Size32KB`, and `Size64KB` are never constructed
--> lnx-fs/src/config.rs:33:5
31 | pub enum PageSize {
| -------- variants in this enum
32 | /// Use 8KB page size.
33 | Size8KB = 8 << 10,
| ^^^^^^^
34 | /// Use 16KB page size.
35 | Size16KB = 16 << 10,
| ^^^^^^^^
36 | /// Use 32KB page size.
37 | Size32KB = 32 << 10,
| ^^^^^^^^
38 | /// Use 64KB page size.
39 | Size64KB = 64 << 10,
| ^^^^^^^^
= note: `PageSize` has derived impls for the traits `Clone` and `Debug`, but these are intentionally ignored during dead code analysis
= note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default
unused variable: `file_id`:
warning: unused variable: `file_id`
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/mod.rs:99:34
99 | fn prepare_read_inner(&self, file_id: u64) {
| ^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_file_id`
unused variable: `range`:
warning: unused variable: `range`
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/mod.rs:94:9
94 | range: Range<usize>,
| ^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_range`
unused variable: `file`:
warning: unused variable: `file`
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/mod.rs:93:9
93 | file: K,
| ^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_file`
= note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default
unused import: `std::ops::Index`:
warning: unused import: `std::ops::Index`
--> lnx-fs/src/page_cache/block.rs:2:5
2 | use std::ops::Index;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see: https://github.blog/changelog/2022-10-11-github-actions-deprecating-save-state-and-set-output-commands/
The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see: https://github.blog/changelog/2022-10-11-github-actions-deprecating-save-state-and-set-output-commands/
The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see: https://github.blog/changelog/2022-10-11-github-actions-deprecating-save-state-and-set-output-commands/
The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see: https://github.blog/changelog/2022-10-11-github-actions-deprecating-save-state-and-set-output-commands/