This setup was last tested with the following tools:
$ node --version
$ yarn --version
$ direnv --version
$ jq --version
$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.8, build f0df350
$ docker compose version
Docker Compose version 2.0.0
To use the correct node version, you can install nvm and run nvm use 20
. Then enable and inititialize yarn using the yarn docs
$ git clone
$ cd flash
Flash is a fork of Blink at commit 0a52b0673
(tag: 0.13.92)
direnv is required to load environment variables. Make sure it is installed and that the direnv hook is added to your shell.rc
Create a .env.local
to add local environment overrides. For the Flash project, the IBEX_PASSWORD is required. E.g:
echo "export IBEX_PASSWORD='<insert-password>'" >> .env.local
Make sure to allow direnv and reload:
$ direnv allow
$ direnv reload
You'll need a web gateway that forwards traffic to your local server (default http://localhost:4008). This can be done with Ngrok. After installing the ngrok cli and creating an account, do the following:
Start ngrok tunnel:
ngrok http http://localhost:4008
Copy the provided URL ("forwarding" field)
Add the URL to your
environment variable. E.gexport IBEX_EXTERNAL_URI=""
Note: To avoid repeating steps 2 & 3 everytime you restart the web gateway, you can get a static domain (e.g ngrok domains) and then set the
in your.env.local
$ yarn install
$ make start-deps
# or
$ make reset-deps
Everytime the dependencies are re-started the environment must be reloaded via direnv reload
. When using the make command this will happen automatically.
To start the GraphQL server and its dependencies:
$ make start
To run in debug mode:
DEBUG=* make start
After running make start-deps
or make reset-deps
, the lightning network - running on regtest - will not have any channel, and the mongodb database - that includes some mandatory accounts for Galoy to work - will be empty.
You can then login with the following credentials to get an account with an existing balance: phone: +16505554328
, code: 000000
There is a sample configuration file galoy.yaml
. This is the applications default configuration and contains settings for LND, test accounts, rate limits, fees and more.
If you need to customize any of these settings you can create a custom.yaml
file in the path /var/yaml/custom.yaml
. This file will be merged with the default config. Here is an example of a custom.yaml file that configures fees:
method: flat
defaultMin: 2000
ratioAsBasisPoints: 50
threshold: 1000000
daysLookback: 30
You can load the Apollo GraphQL Playground, a web GUI for GraphQL. Start the server and open the following url:
- http://localhost:4002/admin/graphql (admin API, proxied thru oathkeeper)
- http://localhost:4002/graphql (end user API, proxied thru oathkeeper)
To test the effect of a change on open telemetry locally, HONEYCOMB_API_KEY
values needs to be set.
can be found in Account > Team settings > Environments and API Keys > Manage > copy the dev key
can be any string, pick something like myusername-dev
The docker compose files are split into docker-compose.yml
and docker-compose.override.yml
By default, with docker compose up
, docker will merge both files. The docker-compose.override.yml
will expose ports on your host machine to various containers.
During CI testing we ignore the override file in order to contain tests within a docker network. This is achieved by specifically calling out the docker compose file to use ex: docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up
To run the full test suite you can run:
$ make test
Executing the full test suite requires runtime dependencies.
$ yarn test:unit
# or
$ make unit
Runtime dependencies are not required for unit tests
To execute the integration tests runtime dependencies must be running.
$ yarn test:integration
# or
$ make integration
The integration tests are not fully idempotent (yet) so currently to re-run the tests, run:
$ make reset-integration
To execute a specific test file:
Example to run test/unit/config.spec.ts
$ TEST=utils yarn test:unit
# or
$ TEST=utils make unit
where utils
is the name of the file utils.spec.ts
Example to run test/integration/01-setup/01-connection.spec.ts
$ TEST=01-connection yarn test:integration
# or
$ TEST=01-connection make integration
if within a specific test suite you want to run/debug only a describe or it(test) block please use:
- describe.only: just for debug purposes
- it.only: just for debug purposes
- it.skip: use it when a test is temporarily broken. Please don't commit commented test cases
Migrations are stored in the src/migrations
When developing migrations the best way to test them on a clean database is:
make test-migrate
Create the migration file
npx migrate-mongo create <migration-name> \
-f src/migrations/migrate-mongo-config.js
Write the migration in the newly created migration file and then test/run with the following:
# Migrate
npx migrate-mongo up \
-f src/migrations/migrate-mongo-config.js
# Rollback
npx migrate-mongo down \
-f src/migrations/migrate-mongo-config.js
When testing, to isolate just the current migration being worked on in local dev you can temporarily move the other migrations to another dir.
Test suite timeouts: increase jest timeout value. Example:
# 120 seconds $ JEST_TIMEOUT=120000 yarn test:integration
Integration tests running slow: we use docker to run dependencies (redis, mongodb, bitcoind and 4 lnds) so the entire test suite is disk-intensive.
Please make sure that you are running docker containers in a solid state drive (SSD)
Reduce lnd log disk usage: change debuglevel to critical
# ./dev/lnd/lnd.conf debuglevel=critical
It's recommended that you use plugins in your editor to run ESLint checks and perform Prettier formatting on-save.
To run all the checks required for the code to pass GitHub actions check:
$ make check-code
$ echo $?
If you need to run Prettier through the command line, you can use:
$ yarn prettier -w .
See the