The momimi
package implements the “threshold modulation model” (TMM)
of motor imagery and provides fitting and plotting utilities in R
You can install the latest stable version of the package from GitHub with:
# if needed, install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github(repo = "lnalborczyk/momimi", build_vignettes = TRUE)
We start by simulating some data (here, 100 observations or RTs and MTs) given some values for the model’s parameters.
simulated_data <- model(
nsims = 100, nsamples = 2000,
exec_threshold = 1.1, imag_threshold = 0.55,
peak_time = log(0.5), curvature = 0.5,
full_output = TRUE
We can plot the underlying activation function and the simulated distributions of RTs and MTs.
# plotting the latent activation function
plot(x = simulated_data, method = "functions")
# plotting the distributions of RTs/MTs
plot(x = simulated_data, method = "distributions")
We can also use the model to generate realistic data from known parameter values and then fit the model to these data to try recovering the original parameter values.
# defining plausible "true" parameter values:
# the motor execution threshold, peak time, curvature, and between-trial variability (SD)
true_pars <- c(1.1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.1)
# simulating data using these parameter values
simulated_data <- simulating(
nsims = 200,
nsamples = 3000,
true_pars = true_pars,
action_mode = "imagined"
# displaying the first ten rows of these data
head(x = simulated_data, n = 10)
#> reaction_time movement_time action_mode
#> 1 0.2750805 0.4806944 imagined
#> 2 0.2963450 0.4955550 imagined
#> 3 0.2690255 0.5035881 imagined
#> 4 0.3284638 0.6321461 imagined
#> 5 0.3523583 0.3937026 imagined
#> 6 0.2613692 0.3791857 imagined
#> 7 0.3277495 0.6520622 imagined
#> 8 0.3158585 0.4149851 imagined
#> 9 0.3383590 0.3696656 imagined
#> 10 0.3368878 0.2612512 imagined
We fit the model and use realistic constraints (e.g., the RT/MT should
be no less than 0.1s and no more than 2 seconds) on the initial
parameter values (by setting initial_pop_constraints = TRUE
) to
facilitate convergence (fitting can take a while).
# fitting the model
results <- fitting(
# the data used to fit the model
data = simulated_data,
# the number of simulated trials in the model
nsims = 200,
# the g2 cost function is also used with the DDM
error_function = "g2",
# DEoptim seems the most efficient approach
method = "DEoptim",
# lower and upper bounds for the parameters values
# NB: one can fix (i.e., not estimate) a parameter
# by setting the lower and upper bounds to the same value
lower_bounds = c(1.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.05),
upper_bounds = c(1.4, 0.7, 0.4, 0.20),
# should we generate sensible starting values?
initial_pop_constraints = TRUE,
nstudies = 200,
# which constraints?
rt_contraints = range(simulated_data$reaction_time),
mt_contraints = range(simulated_data$movement_time),
# maximum number of iteration when fitting the model (to be increased)
maxit = 10
# fitting summary
#> ***** summary of DEoptim object *****
#> best member : 1.15826 0.49017 0.4 0.10122
#> best value : 0.02885
#> after : 10 generations
#> fn evaluated : 3190 times
#> *************************************
We can then plot the underlying (latent) activation function. Note that
this returns a ggplot2
object that can be subsequently modified.
plot(x = results, method = "latent") +
labs(title = "Estimated latent activation function")
We can also do “predictive checks” by comparing the data used to fit the model to data simulated from the model using the estimated parameter values.
x = results, original_data = simulated_data,
method = "ppc", action_mode = "imagined"
We can also do another form of “predictive check” by comparing the quantile values of the original and simulated data.
x = results, original_data = simulated_data,
method = "quantiles", action_mode = "imagined"
We can also visualise the trajectory in parameter space during
optimisation interactively using plotly
(not shown below, but you
should try this).
plot(x = results, method = "optimisation")
Nalborczyk, L., Longcamp, M., Gajdos, T., Servant, M. & Alario, F.‐X. (in preparation). Modelling the onset and duration of imagined actions: Assessing a novel algorithmic model of motor imagery.
Nalborczyk, L., Longcamp, M., Gajdos, T., Servant, M. & Alario, F.‐X. (2024). Towards formal models of inhibitory mechanisms involved in motor imagery: A commentary on Bach et al. (2022). Psychological Research, 1‐4. Preprint available at
If you encounter a bug or have a question please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on GitHub.