This LMS service interpolates between timestamps of different timebases (clocks). Clock synchronization is done by saving the timestamps of two clocks being synced at certain synchronization points. When converting from one time base to another, the time will be interpolated linearly between the first and the last saved synchronization points.
#include <timestamp_interpolator_service/timestamp_interpolator_service.h>
// ...
auto service = getService<timestamp_interpolator_service::TimestampInterpolatorService>("TIMESTAMP_INTERPOLATOR");
Some timebases may have overflows in their representation, thus there might be the need to use canonical timestamps which are compensated for timebase overflows.
// Compute canonical timestamp from overflowing timestamp of SENSOR clock
auto canonical = service->canonical("SENSOR", timestamp);
// Create new sync point between SYSTEM clock (LMS internal) and some other MY_CLOCK timebase
service->sync("SYSTEM", "MY_CLOCK", lms::Time::now(), lms::Time::fromMicros(my_clock_timestamp));
// Compute current time in MY_CLOCK timebase
auto my_clock_now = service->interpolate("SYSTEM", "MY_CLOCK", lms::Time::now()));
// Compute drift of MY_CLOCK w.r.t reference clock SYSTEM
double drift = service->drift("SYSTEM", "MY_CLOCK"));