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lmcgee4 committed Nov 30, 2024
1 parent ec33b15 commit d38f7e5
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Showing 4 changed files with 219 additions and 129 deletions.
34 changes: 20 additions & 14 deletions Cargo.lock

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ home = "0.5.9"
minreq = { version = "2.12.0", features = ["https", "json-using-serde"] }
semver = { version = "1.0.23", features = ["serde"] }
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
toml = "0.8.19"
ureq = { version = "2.10.1", features = ["json"] }
zip = "2.2.0"
244 changes: 129 additions & 115 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,119 +13,133 @@ mod utils;
// spec_vals.push(format!("[aliases: {all_als}]"));

fn main() {
let matches = Command::new("pen")
.about("pen is a tool for managing Python environments with different Python versions.")
.help_template("{about} (v{version})\n\n{usage-heading} {usage}\n\n{all-args}")

// .styles(clap::builder::styling::Styles::styled()
// .header(clap::builder::styling::AnsiColor::Green.on_default() | clap::builder::styling::Effects::BOLD)
// )
.about("Create a virtual environment with a Python version")
.long_about("Create a new virtual environment with the specified Python version in the current directory")
.arg(Arg::new("pyversion") // todo do we need required(true)
.help("Specify the Python version (ex. pen init 3.11.9)")
.about("Syncs the installed packages and the .venv with the pen.toml file")
.long_about("Creates the .venv according to the config"))
.about("Lists packages todo")
.about("Add a package to the current project")
.long_about("Add a PyPI package to the current project (pip but faster)")
.help("The package to install")
.help("The version to install")
.about("Activate the virtual environment")
.long_about("Activate the virtual environment in the current directory")
.about("List Python versions")
.long_about("List the installed Python versions from pen"))
.about("Delete a Python version")
.long_about("Delete a specific Python version")
.help("Specify the Python version to delete (this might break installed .venv until the version is installed again)")
.about("Update pen")
.long_about("Update pen to the latest version, if available"))
.about("Uninstall pen")
.long_about("Completely uninstall pen from the computer (does not include virtual environements)"))


let dependencies = vec!["tar", "make"]; // todo goal of having no system dependencies

match matches.subcommand() {
// Python
Some(("list", _args)) => {
Some(("delete", args)) => {
let py_version: &String = args.get_one("pyversion").expect("required argument");

//* Pen
Some(("init", args)) => {
let version = utils::user_string_to_version(args.get_one::<String>("pyversion"));

Some(("sync", _args)) => {
Some(("pkgs", _args)) => {
Some(("add", args)) => {
let name = args.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required argument");
let version = match args.get_one::<String>("version") {
Some(version) => match VersionReq::parse(version) {
Ok(version) => version,
Err(e) => abort("Invalid version range", Some(&e)),
None => VersionReq::default(),

commands::env_add(name, &version);
Some(("activate", _args)) => {

// Installation
Some(("uninstall", _args)) => {
Some(("update", _args)) => {
let message = "Updating pen automatically is not yet implemented. For now, uninstall pen with `pen uninstall` and download it again to update it. Updates will be coming in v1.0.0 so keep an eye on the \x1b]8;;\x1b\\\x1b[34mgithub\x1b[0m\x1b]8;;\x1b\\";
println!("{}", message);
_ => {
abort("Unknown command", None);
// let matches = Command::new("pen")
// .bin_name("pen")
// .version("0.5.0")
// .about("pen is a tool for managing Python environments with different Python versions.")
// .subcommand_required(true)
// .arg_required_else_help(true)
// .help_template("{about} (v{version})\n\n{usage-heading} {usage}\n\n{all-args}")

// .subcommand(Command::new("init")
// .visible_alias("c")
// // .styles(clap::builder::styling::Styles::styled()
// // .header(clap::builder::styling::AnsiColor::Green.on_default() | clap::builder::styling::Effects::BOLD)
// // )
// .about("Create a virtual environment with a Python version")
// .long_about("Create a new virtual environment with the specified Python version in the current directory")
// .arg(Arg::new("pyversion") // todo do we need required(true)
// .help("Specify the Python version (ex. pen init 3.11.9)")
// .index(1)))
// .subcommand(Command::new("sync")
// .visible_alias("s")
// .about("Syncs the installed packages and the .venv with the pen.toml file")
// .long_about("Creates the .venv according to the config"))
// .subcommand(Command::new("pkgs")
// .about("Lists packages todo")
// .long_about("todo"))
// .subcommand(Command::new("add")
// .about("Add a package to the current project")
// .long_about("Add a PyPI package to the current project (pip but faster)")
// .arg(Arg::new("name")
// .help("The package to install")
// .required(true)
// .index(1))
// .arg(Arg::new("version")
// .help("The version to install")
// .required(false)
// .index(2)))
// .subcommand(Command::new("activate")
// .about("Activate the virtual environment")
// .visible_alias("a"))
// .long_about("Activate the virtual environment in the current directory")
// .subcommand(Command::new("list")
// .visible_alias("l")
// .about("List Python versions")
// .long_about("List the installed Python versions from pen"))
// .subcommand(Command::new("delete")
// .about("Delete a Python version")
// .long_about("Delete a specific Python version")
// .arg(Arg::new("pyversion")
// .help("Specify the Python version to delete (this might break installed .venv until the version is installed again)")
// .required(true)
// .index(1)))
// .subcommand(Command::new("update")
// .about("Update pen")
// .long_about("Update pen to the latest version, if available"))
// .subcommand(Command::new("uninstall")
// .about("Uninstall pen")
// .long_about("Completely uninstall pen from the computer (does not include virtual environements)"))

// .get_matches();

// let dependencies = vec!["tar", "make"]; // todo goal of having no system dependencies
// utils::assert_dependencies(dependencies);
// utils::assert_global_paths();
// utils::clear_temp();

// match matches.subcommand() {
// // Python
// Some(("list", _args)) => {
// commands::py_list_versions();
// }
// Some(("delete", args)) => {
// let py_version: &String = args.get_one("pyversion").expect("required argument");
// commands::py_delete_version(py_version);
// }

// //* Pen
// Some(("init", args)) => {
// let version = utils::user_string_to_version(args.get_one::<String>("pyversion"));

// commands::env_init(version);
// }
// Some(("sync", _args)) => {
// commands::env_sync();
// }
// Some(("pkgs", _args)) => {
// commands::env_pkgs();
// }
// Some(("add", args)) => {
// let name = args.get_one::<String>("name").expect("required argument");
// let version = match args.get_one::<String>("version") {
// Some(version) => match VersionReq::parse(version) {
// Ok(version) => version,
// Err(e) => abort("Invalid version range", Some(&e)),
// },
// None => VersionReq::default(),
// };

// commands::env_add(name, &version);
// }
// Some(("activate", _args)) => {
// commands::pen_activate();
// }

// // Installation
// Some(("uninstall", _args)) => {
// commands::pen_uninstall();
// }
// Some(("update", _args)) => {
// let message = "Updating pen automatically is not yet implemented. For now, uninstall pen with `pen uninstall` and download it again to update it. Updates will be coming in v1.0.0 so keep an eye on the \x1b]8;;\x1b\\\x1b[34mgithub\x1b[0m\x1b]8;;\x1b\\";
// println!("{}", message);
// }
// _ => {
// abort("Unknown command", None);
// }
// }



pub fn fetch_current() {
use serde_json::Value;

// Value could be any type that implements Deserialize!
let result = minreq::get("").send().unwrap().json::<Value>().unwrap();

println!("{:?}", result);

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