IRIS AUV NETTAG Acousitc and Vision control stack for use in Stonefish
To use this control pipeline first follow all instructions on
After you have averything runnig go ahead and clone this repo to your catkin workspace and build
- setpoints_mkII.cpp and setpoints_pub_iris2.cpp - two different approaches use the keyboard to control IRIS
- acoustic_pilot.cpp - given the tag localization (heading estimation node TODO) will publish commands for speed and yaw through std_msgs::Twist following both a circular and a descendig path towards the tag and circle round the tag to a defined radius
- setpoints_visual_navigation.cpp - using trained model will detect and approach fishing apparell lost in the sea
- thrust_setpoints_pub.cpp - subscribes std_msgs::Twist messages and publishes setpoints to the thrusters
- - use this plotter to graph realtime the path followed by the IRIS
A heading estimation node that using the know waypoints triangulates to understand the localization of the tag
A captain node that will cycle trough running modes, first it will circle util it finds the x,y realtive location the it will descend to understand z realtive location, heading estimation will then be able to publish a location, then it kicks the coarse approach and finaly it will use the visual navigation to detect and make the final approach to the net.