A simple npm module/js client library that gives back the color-name of a hex or rgb value.
Created to provide accessible color names to people who are blind and visually impaired as part of the p5 accessible canvas project (https://github.com/processing/p5.accessibility) for the p5.js web editor (https://github.com/processing/p5.js-web-editor).
For use with Node.js: npm install colornamer
var color = require('colornamer');
color.rgbColorName(255,0,0); //returns red
color.hexColorName('ff0000'); //returns red
Link to the library in your html: https://rawgit.com/lm-n/color-namer/master/lib/colorNamer.js
Use the following functions to get a color name:
rgbColorName(255,0,0); //returns red
the expected input is three ints
hexColorName('ff0000'); //returns red
the expected input is a string of six characters without "#" at the beginning