Warning I no longer wish to work with Vue or maintain any Vue projects I have created due to growing frustration with the DX, the dev tooling situation, and it's community. Therefore this repository is unmaintained and archived.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>
<script src="./xkcd-comic.js"></script>
<xkcd-comic number="657"></xkcd-comic>
This is a demonstration of a Web Component written using the Vue Javascript framework. It fetches xkcd comics - either the latest or the specified number. This is a standard Vue SFC (single-file component) that is then wrapped up in a Web Component by using Vue CLI. Either the Vue SFC or the Web Component can be used.
A Web Component is also an ES6 module and can be imported and used as such.
Web components are a set of web platform APIs that allow you to create new custom, reusable, encapsulated HTML tags to use in web pages and web apps.
Read more about Web Components:
Web Components are not an alternative to Javascript frameworks - this one is written with Vue, but it could just as easily be written in plain ES6+. The Web Component standard contains a number of standards - two of which are the Shadow DOM and Custom Elements standards. Web Components encapsulate and contain their own DOM - ensuring compatibility with any other Javascript or CSS on the page.
Web Components also allow for interoperability between Javascript frameworks - especially ones that closely follow the Web Components standard (such as Vue). This means you can write a Vue Web Component and use it inside an Angular component, for example. You probably wouldn't need to use Web Components if your application is written only in one framework.