🌱 I’m currently learning :heavy_minus_sign: WordPress, React, Astro, Javascript, Typescript, NodeJs & Odoo
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on :heavy_minus_sign: Project Management && WordPress | Astro | ReactTs | Js | Ts projects && anything that sounds cool to a Junior
📫 How to reach me :heavy_minus_sign: llopfilms@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences :heavy_minus_sign: 22 years of freelance background & softskills
✔️ Skills I higlight :heavy_minus_sign: detail-oriented, reliable, hard team-worker, keen to learn
☝️ Interested in working :heavy_minus_sign: remotely & semi-presential
⚡ Fun fact :heavy_minus_sign: I always learn docs & do tutorials before trying. I'm ready for the challenge!!
Feel free to dive into my practice, learning & personal repositories.
You'll find deployment links in most part of the README.md files