The below video is the tutorial that ENDS where this project is. If you would like to follow along, check out the 9 Extracting Attack Configurations
In this project we have:
- Simple click to move.
- An enemy that follows the player
- NavMeshLinks to allow the player and enemy to jump from one platform to another, and on top of some walls.
- AgentLinkMover to control how NavMeshAgents will traverse NavMeshLinks
- Animated 3D Model based on NavMeshAgent's movement
- Dynamically spawned enemies at random points on the NavMesh
- 4 Enemy types, configured via a ScriptableObject, that path differently based on Agent Configuration
- Enemies and Player attack the other when they near each other, until dead.
- Ranged Attacking Enemies
- Configurable Homing Bullet Mechanics for Ranged Enemies
- Improved ScriptableObject Configurations
- Flying Enemies
- Requires Unity 2019.4 LTS or higher.
- Utilizes the Navmesh Components from Unity's Github.