This module provides to use Vert.x Web Client as reactive, non-blocking HTTP client implementation.
dependencies {
We need to configure the ProxyBuilder
to use the implementation provided for this module:
import com.github.ljtfreitas.julian.http.client.vertx.VertxHTTPClient;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
interface MyApi {}
Vertx vertx = // ...
VertxHTTPClient vertxHTTPClient = new VertxHTTPClient(vertx);
MyApi myApi = new ProxyBuilder()
.build(MyApi.class, "");
creates a Vertx's WebClient
instance using default options, but we can customize it:
import com.github.ljtfreitas.julian.http.client.vertx.VertxHTTPClient;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
interface MyApi {}
Vertx vertx = // ...
WebClientOptions options = new WebClientOptions();
// configure WebClientOptions...
VertxHTTPClient vertxHTTPClient = new VertxHTTPClient(vertx, options);
MyApi myApi = new ProxyBuilder()
.build(MyApi.class, "");