Download Wildfly 9.0.2
Set as target runtime
Set standalone.xml from root folder as configuration file.
Clone repo
File -> import -> existing projects into workspace -> browse -> select "distributed-agents"
Make sure that projects 2 projects and 4 modules are selected(Check "Search for nested projects" is not checked) and finish
Make sure this folder is empty before deployment
AgentApp -> Run as -> Run on Server -> Wildfly 9.0.2
Two Server Environment:
Delete file from AgentEJB/src/test folder, if present.
Deploy project to server.
Find file inside data folder of project and set the master-address property to IP address of the server you deployed project on.
- Create a new WildFly 9.0.2 server on your file system.
- Make sure this folder is empty
- Rename the address in standalone.xml file to another IP address.
- Create new server in Eclipse and new runtime based on new Wildfly 9.0.2 server.
- Set new server's host to the IP address that you replaced in standalone.xml with.
- Copy the file to AgentAppEJB/src/test.
- Rename the node-name property of AgentAppEJB/src/test/ file to something unique.
- Rename the node-address property of AgentAppEJB/src/test/ file to the IP address from 4).
- Deploy the project on new server.
--Repeat steps 1 to 8 for each new server you run.
cd 'C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin\'
npm install
ng serve -o