orphan |
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In this exercise you will perform some simple logistic regression analysis using the new workflow (e.g. using the command line, scripts, git and github).
- Get into teams of 2 or 3 people (smaller groups are better, no more than 3 per group)
- One person creates a github repository called "logistic_regression_analysis"
- Download the full CKD dataset into the repository, from here: https://github.com/matthew-brett/cfd2020/blob/master/data/ckd_full.csv
- Everybody in the group (including the person who created the repository) creates a fork of the repository, on their own github account
Your task (as a group) is to fit the following logistic regression model
Class ~ Hemoglobin
. E.g. predicting whether or not a patient has CKD from
their hemoglobin score.
To do this you should write the following set of scripts (as much as possible, you should each work on separate parts of the analysis, and collaborate via pull requests):
DATA CLEANING SCRIPT: a .py file to perform you data cleaning (e.g. creating the dummy codes for
). Usedf.to_csv()
to save your clean data to a csv file with a different filename to the original file name. -
COST FUNCTION SCRIPT: create a .py file containing the logit transformation function, the inverse logit transformation function, and the logistic regression cost function. DO NOT COPY/PASTE the functions from the textbook page, try to re-write them line-by-line yourselves so you understand what each line is doing. These functions can then can imported by other scripts in the repository, e.g. if this file is called "cost_function_utils.py" then you can import the function into other scripts using
import cost_function_utils
DATA ANALYSIS SCRIPT: this .py file should do several things: - First, this script should plot
as a function ofHemoglobin
. - Then the script should fit your model (Class ~ Hemoglobin
) usingminimize
(by importing your cost function from COST FUNCTION SCRIPT). - You should then fit the same model using statsmodels. - You should write some tests to check thatminimize
are producing similar parameter estimates (HINT: you may want to investigatenp.isclose()
- ask us for help with this also). - You should then create a new plot, showingClass ~ Hemoglobin
, but also showing the predictions from your logistic regression model.
If you want to, you can create a Jupyter Notebook to show the results of your
data analysis script. You can use an .Rmd or .ipynb file here, as the notebook
will only contain a few lines (see the example showcase_notebook.ipynb
An example repo, with some blank templates, can be found here: https://github.com/lisds/logistic_regression_exercise