A Python Helper for Supabase
Before running the script, make sure to set up the required environment variables: SUPABASE_URL
- Retrieves the value of the specified environment variable.
- Parameters:
: The name of the environment variable.
- Returns:
- The value of the environment variable or a default message if the variable is not found.
- Creates and returns a Supabase client using the provided Supabase URL and service key.
encrypt(message: bytes, key: bytes) -> bytes
- Encrypts a message using the provided key.
decrypt(token: bytes, key: bytes) -> bytes
- Decrypts a token using the provided key.
- Checks if data with the specified column value exists in the specified table.
- Parameters:
: Supabase client.table_name
: Name of the table.column_name
: Name of the column.column_value
: Value to check for.
- Returns:
if data exists,False
fetch_data(supaClient, table_name, column_name, column_value)
- Fetches data from the specified table based on column equality.
fetch_data_equals_to(supaClient, table_name, column_name, column_value)
- Fetches data where the column is equal to a value.
- Additional functions for various comparison operations (
insert_data(supaClient, table_name, data)
update_data(supaClient, table_name, column_name, column_value, data)
upsert_data(supaClient, table_name, column_name, column_value, data)
delete_data(supaClient, table_name, column_name, column_value)
fetch_data_order_the_results(supaClient, table_name, column_name, desc=True)
fetch_data_limit_the_number_of_rows_returned(supaClient, table_name, limit=1)
fetch_data_with_filter_type(supaClient, table_name, column_name, column_value, filter_type)
create_a_new_user(supaClient, email, password)
sign_in_a_user(supaClient, email, password)
sign_in_a_user_through_otp(supaClient, email)
sign_in_a_user_through_0auth(supaClient, provider, access_token)
sign_out_a_user(supaClient, access_token)
verify_and_log_in_through_otp(supaClient, email, otp)
retrieve_a_session(supaClient, access_token)
retrieve_a_new_session(supaClient, refresh_token)
set_the_session_data(supaClient, access_token, refresh_token, data)
create_a_bucket(supaClient, bucket_name)
retrieve_a_bucket(supaClient, bucket_name)
delete_a_bucket(supaClient, bucket_name)
empty_a_bucket(supaClient, bucket_name)
upload_a_file(supaClient, bucket_name, file, path, file_options)
download_a_file(supaClient, bucket_name, source)
list_all_files_in_a_bucket(supaClient, bucket_name)
replace_an_existing_file(supaClient, bucket_name, file, path, file_options)
move_an_existing_file(supaClient, bucket_name, source, destination)
delete_files_in_a_bucket(supaClient, bucket_name, path)
create_a_signed_url(supaClient, bucket_name, filepath, expiry_duration)
retrieve_public_url(supaClient, bucket_name, filepath)
invoke_a_function(supaClient, function_name, invoke_options)