Source code for the paper "Self-Supervised Speech Denoising Using Only Noisy Audio Signals". In this paper, we propose a self-supervised speech denoising strategy named Only-Noisy Training (ONT), which solves the speech denoising problem with only noisy audio signals in audio space for the first time.
- Related audio examples of signals
$x$ ,$s_{1}(x)$ ,$s_{2}(x)$ ,$f(x)$ ,$f(s_{1}(x))$ ,$f(s_{2}(x))$ can be downloaded from the Audio_example file.
The code is developed under the following configurations.
- Hardware: 1-4 GPUs (change gpu numbers accordingly)
- Software: CUDA=11.4.48, Python=3.9.5, PyTorch=1.10.0
The dataset is generated by overlapping two noise categories over clean audios. The clean audios are selected from Voice Bank + DEMAND dataset ( While the first noise dataset uses white gaussian to generate synthetic noisy audio dataset, the second is UrbanSound8K dataset (, which is used to generate real world noisy audio dataset. You can generate different kinds of noisy audios by running the following two scripts:
The proposed ONT constructs training pairs only from each single noisy audio, and it contains two modules: training audio pairs generated module and speech de-noising module.
- The first module adopts a random audio sub-sampler on single noisy audio samples for the generation of training audio pairs.
- The sub-sampled training audio pairs are then fed into the audio denoising module, which employs a deep complex U-Net incorporating a complex two-stage transformer (cTSTM) to extract both magnitude and phase information.
You can choose the following three models for training: ONT,ONT-rTSTM and ONT-cTSTM. ONT represents our speech denoising strategy using single noisy audio samples with a complex U-Net without TSTM; ONT-rTSTM represents our novel strategy with a real-valued TSTM (rTSTM) between the complex U-Net; ONT-cTSTM represents our novel strategy with a complex-valued TSTM (cTSTM) between the complex U-Net. You can train the model by running the following script:
The original raw audio waveforms are first sampled at 48kHz and then transformed by the STFT with a 64ms Hamming window and 16ms hop size to obtain complex-valued spectrograms. The length of training pairs is 1/2 times of original noisy samples. The number of two-stage transformer blocks(TSTBs) is 6. In the loss function, we set α = 0.8, β = 1/200, γ=2 in the synthetic experiments and γ=1 in the real world experiments empirically. We use Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001. You can adjust these parameters to suit different training needs.
If it helps your research, please cite:
Jiasong Wu, Qingchun Li, Guanyu Yang, Lei Li, Lotfi Senhadji and Huazhong Shu, Self-Supervised Speech Denoising Using Only Noisy Audio Signals
- Qingchun Li:
- Jiasong Wu: