209 commits
to master
since this release
LinuxServer Changes:
Rebasing to alpine 3.11.
Raneto Changes:
2020.12.25 / v0.16.5
[New] Swedish translation
- contributed by @Synt3x
[New] Japanese translation
- contributed by @filunK
[New] Add table of contents
- contributed by @benruehl
[New] Added side menu collapsing functionality
- contributed by @philipstratford
[New] Visibility of menu on pages toggle
- contributed by @philipstratford
[New] Google groups restriction
- contributed by @Axadiw
[New] Category meta description
- contributed by @marcello.gorla
[Doc] TOC and site menu on pages
- contributed by @philipstratford
[Doc] Updated install, guide, and README pages
- contributed by @Arthur Flageul
[Fix] Fixed bug highlighting of second-level page titles
- contributed by @philipstratford
[Fix] #189 base_url config
- contributed by @ryanlelek
[Fix] Side menu visibility
- contributed by @Synt3x
[Fix] lunr-languages/tinyseg instead of tiny-segmenter
- contributed by @filunK
[Fix] Travis, Yarn, NPM, etc.
- contributed by @filunK
[Fix] wrong fitvids js location
- contributed by @jrichardsz
Fully up to date modules as of 2020-12-25
-- Ryan