Releases: linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux
Releases · linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux
Added Autostrut and Rigidity buttons, thanks @Boop:
All Rigid
Disable Rigid
Toggle Rigid
No Autostruts
AS Grandparent
AS Heaviest
AS Root
Show Autostruts
Added No Offset Limit Toggle
1.2 Boop Release
Added ability to disable the SelectRoot functionality, so you can use the stock SelectRoot to change the root on a shadow assembly
Added Master Snap mode. This allows you to snap parts to any random part, not just the parent. This works for both horizontal and vertical snapping. The part selected as the master will be highlighted
Snapping is shown visually via a smooth movement of the part from the original location to the destination
1.2 prerelease
Fixed bug with no offset limit preventing swap between local and absolute coordinates
1.2 prerelease
Added ability to disable internal reroot, so that you can use the stock reroot to reroot shadow part assemblies
1.2 prerelease for build 1576
3.2.19 Updated for build 1540
Compiled for 1564
3.2.18 Updated for build 1540
Compiled for 1553
3.2.17 Updated for build 1540
1.2 Beta Boop Release
updated for build 1540
1.2 Beta Boop release Boop's changes for better reliability and 1.2
3.2.15 for 1.2 beta
merged and rebulit