- ci: Use Fedora 41, drop Fedora 39 (#427)
- ci: Use Fedora 41, drop Fedora 39 - part two (#428)
- feat: support custom templates (#425)
- ci: ansible-test action now requires ansible-core version (#420)
- ci: add YAML header to github action workflow files (#421)
- refactor: Use vars/RedHat_N.yml symlink for CentOS, Rocky, Alma wherever possible (#423)
- test: restart logind and test (#418)
- test: restart dbus broker after restarting journald (#416)
- ci: Add workflow for ci_test bad, use remote fmf plan (#410)
- ci: Fix missing slash in ARTIFACTS_URL (#411)
- test: tests_combination.yml requires fact gathering (#413)
- ci: Add tags to TF workflow, allow more [citest bad] formats (#414)
- ci: Add tft plan and workflow (#403)
- ci: Update fmf plan to add a separate job to prepare managed nodes (#405)
- test: workaround a systemd issue in el10 restarting journald (#406)
- test: sort files to compare (#407)
- ci: Bump sclorg/testing-farm-as-github-action from 2 to 3 (#408)
- feat: add support for reopen_on_truncate for files input (#398)
- feat: support custom config files with logging_custom_config_files (#399)
- feat: add support for file and directory mode/owner/group for output files (#400)
- test: use selinux for relp to fix test AVC (#401)
- fix: add support for EL10 (#395)
- ci: ansible-lint action now requires absolute directory (#394)
- fix: Add check for "rsyslogd: error" in /var/log/messages in all tests (#388)
- ci: use tox-lsr 3.3.0 which uses ansible-test 2.17 (#389)
- ci: tox-lsr 3.4.0 - fix py27 tests; move other checks to py310 (#391)
- ci: Add supported_ansible_also to .ansible-lint (#392)
- fix: Remove name="basics_imuxsock" parameter from imuxsock type input (#385)
- tests: Fail when rsyslog errors in __default_system_log (#386)
- ci: Bump ansible/ansible-lint from 6 to 24 (#382)
- ci: Bump mathieudutour/github-tag-action from 6.1 to 6.2 (#383)
- ci: fix python unit test - copy pytest config to tests/unit (#379)
- test: restore journald /dev/log after imuxsock test (#380)
- ci: support ansible-lint and ansible-test 2.16 (#376)
- ci: Use supported ansible-lint action; run ansible-lint against the collection (#377)
- fix: avoid conf of RatelimitBurst when RatelimitInterval is zero (#373)
- fix: ansible-core-2.16 - only use to_nice_json for output formatting (#374)
- ci: Bump actions/github-script from 6 to 7 (#370)
- refactor: get_ostree_data.sh use env shebang - remove from .sanity* (#371)
- docs: README.md: correct variable name journal_persist_state_interval (#372)
- refactor: improve support for ostree systems (#368)
- test: add tests for preserveFQDN, max_message_size (#366)
- feat: support for ostree systems (#360)
- feat: Add support for the global config option preserveFQDN with a new logg… (#362)
- feat: Add support for general queue and general action parameters (#364)
- fix: check that logging_max_message_size is set, not rsyslog_max_message_size (#361)
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#350)
- ci: add dump_packages to weekly_ci (#351)
- ci: use dump_packages.py callback to get packages used by role (#357)
- ci: tox-lsr version 3.1.1 (#359)
- ci: Fix implicit octal values in main.yml (#363)
ci: Add markdownlint, test_html_build, and build_docs workflows (#344)
- markdownlint runs against README.md to avoid any issues with converting it to HTML
- test_converting_readme converts README.md > HTML and uploads this test artifact to ensure that conversion works fine
- build_docs converts README.md > HTML and pushes the result to the docs branch to publish dosc to GitHub pages site.
- Fix markdown issues in README.md
Signed-off-by: Sergei Petrosian spetrosi@redhat.com
docs: reformat pki params (#346)
format the pki parameters just like all of the other section parameters
Signed-off-by: Rich Megginson rmeggins@redhat.com
docs: Make badges consistent, run markdownlint on all .md files (#347)
- Consistently generate badges for GH workflows in README RHELPLAN-146921
- Run markdownlint on all .md files
- Add custom-woke-action if not used already
- Rename woke action to Woke for a pretty badge
Signed-off-by: Sergei Petrosian spetrosi@redhat.com
ci: Remove badges from README.md prior to converting to HTML (#348)
- Remove thematic break after badges
- Remove badges from README.md prior to converting to HTML
Signed-off-by: Sergei Petrosian spetrosi@redhat.com
- fix: facts being gathered unnecessarily (#341)
- ci: Add pull request template and run commitlint on PR title only (#335)
- ci: Rename commitlint to PR title Lint, echo PR titles from env var (#336)
- ci: Add tests::uses_selinux tag (#338)
- ci: ansible-lint - ignore var-naming[no-role-prefix] (#339)
- refactor: ansible-lint - vars cannot be reserved names (#340)
- refactor: Use selinux role instead of selinux cli (#342)
- fix: work with ansible-core 2.15
- docs: Consistent contributing.md for all roles - allow role specific contributing.md section
- docs: add Collection requirements section
- ansible-lint - use changed_when even for tasks with conditionals (#326)
- Fingerprint RHEL System Role managed config files (#324)
- Add README-ansible.md to refer Ansible intro page on linux-system-roles.github.io
- none
- ansible-lint 6.x fixes (#311)
- cleanup non-inclusive words.
- Add check for non-inclusive language
- none
- tests: specify empty inputs, outputs, flows with purge (#308)
If there are any leftover defined variables that specify inputs, outputs, or flows,
purge will not remove those files since they are referred to. This typically
happens when using public: true
which leaves all of those role variables
defined in the public namespace. The solution when cleaning up is to ensure
that none of the inputs, outputs, or flows is defined when using purge, to
guarantee that all of the config files are removed and none are leftover.
- none
- none
- use logging_purge_confs in relp test (#303)
On some platforms, there are no packages that put config files in
/etc/rsyslog.d - using logging_enabled: false
after a test leaves
no files in /etc/rsyslog.d and the $IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf
then leaves rsyslogd in a state that it will not start and cause test
The solution is to use logging_purge_confs: true
which "does the right
thing" when /etc/rsyslog.d is empty.
Fix the expected number of config files check.
- none
- none
- cert cleanup needs to use getcert stop-tracking (#300)
Need to use getcert stop-tracking
when removing the cert, otherwise,
subsequent requests will hang if certmonger is tracking a non-existent
- increase test log timeout; show log if failed
- none
- none
- support ansible-core 2.14, ansible-lint 6.x (#297)
The main issue was getting rid of warn: false
for the
module. The other issues are related to ansible-lint 6.x
Use the firewall role, the selinux role, and the certificate role from the logging role (#293)
Introduce logging_manage_firewall to use the firewall role to manage the syslog ports. logging_manage_firewall is set to true, by default. If the variable is set to false, the firewall configuration is disabled.
Introduce logging_manage_selinux to use the selinux role to manage the ports specified in the logging configuration. logging_manage_ selinux is set to true, by default. If the variable is set to false, the selinux configuration is disabled except the ports defined in the selinux policy.
Add the test check task check_firewall_selinux.yml for verify the ports status.
Use the certificate role to generate certificates in the logging role
Introduce logging_certificates variable to specify parameters for using the certificate role.
When logging_manage_firewall and logging_manage_selinux are set to false, it does not call the firewall role and the selinux role, respectively.
The default value of logging_manage_firewall and logging_ manage_selinux are changed to false.
- none
- To avoid the CI conflicts on the control host when running tests in parallel, create a temporary directory by tempfile to store files used in the test.
- Support startmsg.regex and endmsg.regex in the files inputs.
Adds startmsg_regex and endmsg_regex options:
: The regular expression that matches the start part of a message.
: The regular expression that matches the last part of a message.
- none
Fix a bash bug in changelog_to_tag.yml, which unexpectedly expanded "*"
changelog_to_tag action - github action ansible test improvements
Use GITHUB_REF_NAME as name of push branch; fix error in branch detection
Signed-off-by: Rich Megginson rmeggins@redhat.com
- none
- support ansible-core-2.13
Looks like ansible-core-2.13 (or latest jinja3) does not support constructs like this:
var: "{{ [some list] }} + {{ [other list] }}"
instead, the entire thing has to be evaluated in the same jinja evaluation context:
var: "{{ [some list] + [other list] }}"
- use gather_facts: true in tests_include_vars_from_parent
This test does not work with ANSIBLE_GATHERING=explicit - add explicit gather_facts: true
- make min_ansible_version a string in meta/main.yml
The Ansible developers say that min_ansible_version
in meta/main.yml
must be a string
value like "2.9"
, not a float
value like 2.9
Replace the ATX style with the setext style for the header H1 and H2.
Each changelog has 3 sections, "### New Features", "### Bug Fixes", and "Other Changes".
If there is no items in a section, let it have "- none".
Add changelog_to_tag.yml to .github/workflows
- none
- Fix including a var file in set_vars.yml
- none
- none
- none
- Bump tox-lsr version to 2.11.0; remove py37; add py310
- support gather_facts: false
- none
- support setup-snapshot.yml
- Add log handling in case the target Elasticsearch is unavailable
- RFE - support template, severity and facility options
- Add support for multiline logs in oVirt vdsm.log
- none
- Fix failures reported by "tox -e qemu_option -- --remove-cloud-init ..."
- Initialize tests_enabled.yml by setting "logging_purge_confs: true"
- Bump tox-lsr version to 2.10.1
- none
- make purge and reset idempotent
- none
- Refactor logging_purge_confs and logging_restore_confs.
- none
- none
- Add logging_restore_confs variable to restore backup.
- none
- change recursive role symlink to individual role dir symlinks
- none
- none
- Run the new tox test
- update tox-lsr version to 2.8.0
- Add a test case for "add missing quotes" to TEST CASE 0 in tests_basics_files.yml
- support python 39, ansible-core 2.12, ansible-plugin-scan
- missing quotes around immark module interval option
- update tox-lsr version to 2.7.1
- Use {{ ansible_managed | comment }} to fix multi-line ansible_managed
- Performance improvement
- Replacing seport module with the semanage command line.
- Add uid and pwd parameters
- Use the openssl command-line interface instead of the openssl module
- Eliminate redundant loop.
- use apt-get install -y
- test new version of tox-lsr
- Allowing the case, tls is false and key/certs vars are configured.
- Update copy tasks conditions with tls true
- baseosci - fix logging tests
- Drop support for Ansible 2.8 by bumping the Ansible version to 2.9
- none
- none
- none
- do not warn about unarchive or leading slashes
- python2 renders server_host list incorrectly
- FIX README false variable name
- use correct python-cryptography package
- none
- Add a support for list value to server_host in the elasticsearch output
- Instead of the archive module, use "tar" command for backup.
- none
- none
- none
- Keep headers at 4-level max, do minor structural corrections
- Fix "logging README.html is rendered incorrectly"
- Fix "logging README.html examples are rendered incorrectly"
- Clean up yamllint line-length errors.
- Fix ansible-test errors
- Remove python-26 environment from tox testing
- update to tox-lsr 2.4.0 - add support for ansible-test with docker
- use tox-lsr 2.3.0 and enable ansible-test
- CI: Add support for RHEL-9
- support jinja 2.7
- Default remote_log_path should use FROMHOST instead of HOSTNAME
- RELP: cert and key files should be deployed in the /etc/pki/tls folder
- RELP: wrong reference to the input on server side
- RELP: the port definition for client side is not honored
- Fix ansible-test errors
- Integrating ELK with RHV-4.4 fails as RHVH is missing 'rsyslog-gnutls' package.
- Issue: cert and key files should be deployed in the /etc/pki/tls folder
- Fix bugs in permitted_servers and permitted_clients parameter in relp.
- Use FROMHOST instead of HOSTNAME for remote files log file name
- Bug fixes found or introduced in the previous commit "Bug fix in relp_output - there was inconsistencies in the parameters."
- Bug fixes in relp_input and relp_output
- use tox-lsr 2.2.0
- Make the var load test compatible with old Jinja2
- Add centos8
- Fix centos6 repos; use standard centos images
- remove ansible 2.7 support from molecule
- use tox-lsr 1.0.2
- Support oVirt input + elasticsearch output
- Refactoring CI test playbooks
- implementing complete configuration cleaning up
- use tox for ansible-lint instead of molecule
- use new tox-lsr plugin
- Fixing CI tests using tests/tasks/create_tests_certs.yml
- use github actions instead of travis
- Eliminating design_doc links from README.md.
- meta/main.yml: CI - add support for Fedora 33
- Moving design documents to linux-system-roles.github.io/documentation/design_docs/logging.
- support property-based filters in the files and forwards outputs
- elasticsearch - need to adjust jinja2 bool
- Adding "Port and SELinux" section to README.
- Add imrelp support to inputs.
- Fix yamllint errors.
- Instead of having four symlinks in tests/roles/linux-system-roles.logging, changing tests/roles/linux-system-roles.logging itself a symlink as most system roles do.
- Fix a logic bug in elasticsearch output template.
- lock ansible-lint version at 4.3.5; suppress role name lint warning
- sync collections related changes from template to logging role