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Getting Started

Adem Efe Gencer edited this page Aug 9, 2019 · 1 revision


The cruise-control-client directory provides a python client for cruise-control.

cruise-control-client also provides cccli, which is a command-line interface to this python client.
Additionally, the Endpoint, Query, and Responder classes can be used outside of cccli, to invoke cruise-control-client from another python application.

Getting Started

The recommended method for installing cruise-control-client is to use the Python Package Index

pip Install

cruise-control-client exists on PyPI.
To create and activate a new virtual environment, use the following:

python3.7 -m venv .
. bin/activate

Then, to install cruise-control-client:

pip install cruise-control-client

The installation will bind cccli to invoke the cruise-control-client command-line interface script.
So, to view help for cccli, run the following:

cccli --help

CLI Usage

In general, cccli --socket-address {hostname:port} {endpoint} {options} where

  • hostname:port is the hostname and port of the cruise-control that you'd like to communicate with
  • endpoint is the cruise-control endpoint that you'd like to use
  • options are argparse flags that specify cruise-control parameters