The Tilia iOS SDK makes it easy to add payments natively within mobile apps.
This SDK is meant to be used in concert with your own api server which communicates with Tilia APIs to retrieve authorized user access tokens and any additional data required by the SDK flow you are looking to use.
The repository includes an interactive demo application which can guide you through what data is expected for each flow as well as how to customize the look of the SDK UI.
For detailed information on how to integrate with Tilia and this SDK, please refer to our documentation here.
Using CocoaPods, add the following to your Podfile:
pod 'TiliaSDK'
To interact with Tilia SDK use TLManager. SDK supports customization for environment, timeout iterval for requests, colors for dark/light theme.
TLManager.shared.setBackgroundColor(forLightMode: UIColor(), andDarkMode: UIColor())
TLManager.shared.setPrimaryColor(forLightMode: UIColor(), andDarkMode: UIColor())
TLManager.shared.setSuccessBackgroundColor(forLightMode: UIColor(), andDarkMode: UIColor())
TLManager.shared.setFailureBackgroundColor(forLightMode: UIColor(), andDarkMode: UIColor())
let yourViewControllerForPresenting = UIViewController()
TLManager.shared.presentTosIsRequiredViewController(on: yourViewControllerForPresenting,
animated: true,
onComplete: { onComplete in print(onComplete.description) },
onError: { onError in print(onError.description) })
let yourViewControllerForPresenting = UIViewController()
TLManager.shared.presentCheckoutViewController(on: yourViewControllerForPresenting,
animated: true,
onUpdate: { onUpdate in print(onUpdate.description) },
onComplete: { onComplete in print(onComplete.description) },
onError: { onError in print(onError.description) })
TLManager.shared.getTosRequiredForUser { result in print(result) }
TLManager.shared.getUserBalanceByCurrencyCode("USD") { result in print(result) }