fix plot.walking_path() timeposts.
fix plot.walking_path(observed = FALSE).
fix St James Workhouse for walkingPath(type = "cases").
fix St James Workhouse for euclideanPath(type = "cases").
fix city squares for plot.euclidean_path().
fix computed time in nearestPump() and amend sim.walking.distance.
New Data
add sim.walking.distance.
Function Changes
add nearestPump(metric = "euclidean").
add distance.unit argument to addWhitehead().
add pch and point.size arguments to addNeighborhoodCases().
add pos argument to addCase().
add output argument to voronoiPolygons().
add summary.euclidean(), summary.voronoi() and summary.walking().
add multi.core argument to simWalkingDistance().
add case.location to addEuclideanPath().
add 'case' argument to pumpCase().
amend travelingSalesman() argument in addSnow().
amend print.euclidean(), print.voronoi() and print.walking().
amend argument 'case' to 'data' in addKernelDensity().
amend plot.walking() titles.
deprecate pearlString() in favor of travelingSalesman().
deprecate statistic argument in neighborhoodVoronoi().
enable col argument in addRoads().
enable 'address' and 'nominal' cases in plot.voronoi().
exclude landmarks from case.set - "expected".
rename deldirVertices() back to voronoiPolygons().
rename "deldirPolygons()" to "voronoiPolygons()".
remove Pump Neighborhoods vignette.
remove 'scales" from Imports.
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