Cumulative density function of linear combinations of independent chi-square random variables and a standard Normal distribution.
As of now, this is basically a repackaging of the davies
function implemented in the
CompQuadForm library for R.
It requires an C compiler toolchain that supports the C11 standard and the cmake software for orchestrating the building process.
You can install it via conda
conda install -c conda-forge chi2comb
A second installation option would be to download the latest source and to build it by yourself. On Linux or macOS systems it can be as simple as:
bash <(curl -fsSL
Similarly, on Windows you can install by entering in the terminal:
powershell -Command "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'install.bat')" && install.bat
This library exports a single function:
/** Cumulative distribution function of non-central chi-squared distributions.
* Computes P[Q<q] where Q=λ₁X₁ + ... + λₙXₙ + σ X₀. Xᵢ is an independent random variable
* having a non-central chi-squared distribution with nᵢ degrees of freedom and
* non-centrality parameter δ²ⱼ. X₀ is an independent random variable having a standard
* Gaussian distribution.
* Parameters
* ----------
* q : double
* Value point at which distribution function is to be evaluated.
* chi2s : struct chi2comb_chisquareds
* Chi-squared distributions.
* gcoef : double
* Coefficient of the standard Normal distribution.
* lim : int
* Maximum number of integration terms.
* abstol : double
* Absolute error tolerance.
* info : struct chi2comb_info*
* Algorithm information.
* result : double *
* Estimated c.d.f. evaluated at `q`.
* Returns
* -------
* error : int
* 0: completed successfully
* 1: required accuracy not achieved
* 2: round-off error possibly significant
* 3: invalid parameters
* 4: unable to locate integration parameters
* 5: out of memory
CHI2COMB_API int chi2comb_cdf(double q, struct chi2comb_chisquareds *chi2s, double gcoef,
int lim, double abstol, struct chi2comb_info *info,
double *result);
The structure
struct chi2comb_chisquareds {
const double *coefs; /* chi-squared coefficients */
const double *ncents; /* noncentrality parameters */
const int *dofs; /* degree of freedoms */
int n; /* number of terms */
represents a list of Noncentral chi-squared distributions and their coefficients.
The structure
struct chi2comb_info {
double emag; /* error magnitude */
int niterms; /* total number of integration terms */
int nints; /* number of integrations */
double intv; /* integration interval in final integration */
double truc; /* truncation point in initial integration */
double sd; /* s.d. of initial convergence factor */
int ncycles; /* cycles to locate integration parameters */
stores information about the optimisation method for estimating the c.d.f.
- P. Lafaye de Micheaux for creating the amazing CompQuadForm library for R.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.