pyOpenTTDAdmin is a Python library designed to facilitate communication with OpenTTD's Admin port. OpenTTD (Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe) is an open-source simulation game where players manage a transport company.
This library enables developers to interact with an OpenTTD server programmatically, allowing them to perform various administrative tasks and receive real-time updates from the game server.
- Authentication: Authenticate with an OpenTTD server using the provided password.
- Packet Handling: Receive and parse packets from the server, allowing developers to react to different events and messages.
- Sending Commands: Send commands to the OpenTTD server, such as chat messages, remote console commands, and more.
- Subscription to Updates: Subscribe to various types of updates from the server, including chat messages, client information, company data, and more.
- Flexible Usage: The library provides a flexible framework for building custom applications that interact with OpenTTD servers.
The basic usage of pyOpenTTDAdmin involves creating an instance of the Admin
class, subscribing to updates from the server, and handling the received packets.
Example code for an echo bot can be found here:
from pyopenttdadmin import Admin, AdminUpdateType, openttdpacket
# Set the IP address and port number for connection
ip_address = ""
port_number = 3977
# Instantiate the Admin class and establish connection to the server
admin = Admin(ip = ip_address, port = port_number)
admin.login("pyOpenTTDAdmin", password = "toor") # assuming the password is "toor"
# Subscribe to receive chat updates
# Print chat packets
def chat_packet(admin: Admin, packet: openttdpacket.ChatPacket):
print(f'ID: {} Message: {packet.message}')
# Echo chat
def echo_chat(admin: Admin, packet: openttdpacket.ChatPacket):
# Run admin
pyOpenTTDAdmin also support async/await syntax:
import asyncio
from aiopyopenttdadmin import Admin, AdminUpdateType, openttdpacket
# Set the IP address and port number for connection
ip_address = ""
port_number = 3977
async def main():
# Instantiate the Admin class and establish connection to the server
admin = Admin(ip = ip_address, port = port_number)
await admin.login("pyOpenTTDAdmin", password = "toor") # assuming the password is "toor"
# Subscribe to receive chat updates
await admin.subscribe(AdminUpdateType.CHAT)
# Print chat packets
async def chat_packet(admin: Admin, packet: openttdpacket.ChatPacket):
print(f'ID: {} Message: {packet.message}')
# Echo chat
async def echo_chat(admin: Admin, packet: openttdpacket.ChatPacket):
await admin.send_global(packet.message)
# Run admin
if __name__ == "__main__":
The following are the available subscribe types that can be used with the library:
- DATE: Updates about the date of the game.
- CLIENT_INFO: Updates about the information of clients.
- COMPANY_INFO: Updates about the generic information of companies.
- COMPANY_ECONOMY: Updates about the economy of companies.
- COMPANY_STATS: Updates about the statistics of companies.
- CHAT: The admin would like to have chat messages.
- CONSOLE: The admin would like to have console messages.
- CMD_NAMES: The admin would like a list of all DoCommand names.
- CMD_LOGGING: The admin would like to have DoCommand information.
- GAMESCRIPT: The admin would like to have gamescript messages.
Here you find a list of all the packets that can be received from the server:
- Errorpacket: The server tells the admin an error has occurred.
- AdminJoinPacket: The admin announces and authenticates itself to the server.
- ProtocolPacket: The server tells the admin its protocol version.
- WelcomePacket: The server welcomes the admin to a game.
- NewGamePacket: The server tells the admin its going to start a new game.
- ShutdownPacket: The server tells the admin its shutting down.
- DatePacket: The server tells the admin what the current game date is.
- ClientJoinPacket: The server tells the admin that a client has joined.
- ClientInfoPacket: The server gives the admin information about a client.
- ClientUpdatePacket: The server gives the admin an information update on a client.
- ClientQuitPacket: The server tells the admin that a client quit.
- ClientErrorPacket: The server tells the admin that a client caused an error.
- CompanyNewPacket: The server tells the admin that a new company has started.
- CompanyInfoPacket: The server gives the admin information about a company.
- CompanyUpdatePacket: The server gives the admin an information update on a company.
- CompanyRemovePacket: The server tells the admin that a company has been removed.
- CompanyEconomyPacket: The server gives the admin some economy related company information.
- CompanyStatsPacket: The server gives the admin some statistics about a company.
- ChatPacket: The server received a chat message and relays it.
- RconEndPacket: The server indicates that the remote console command has completed.
- RconPacket: The server's reply to a remote console command.
- ConsolePacket: The server gives the admin the data that got printed to its console.
- GamescriptPacket: The server gives the admin information from the GameScript in JSON.
- CmdNamesPacket: The server sends out the names of the DoCommands to the admins.
- CmdLoggingPacket: The server gives the admin copies of incoming command packets.
- AdminRconPacket: The admin sends a remote console command.
- AdminChatPacket: The admin sends a chat message to be distributed.
- AdminSubscribePacket: The admin tells the server the update frequency of a particular piece of information.
Contributions to pyOpenTTDAdmin are welcome! If you find any issues or have ideas for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.