Lightstreams Javascript(JS) SDK is a project implemented to bring utilities to dapp developers. This project includes a set of wrappers around libraries and protocol such as:
- Lightstreams Smart Vault Wrappers: Decentralized data storage with privacy controls for sharing data within private groups and for selling content
- Lightstreams name service (LSN): Secure & decentralised way to address resources both on and off the blockchain using simple, human-readable names in Lightstreams network.
- Gas Station Network: Set of contracts to implement your our gasless contracts.
- Bonding Curve: Set of contracts to issue new ERC20 tokens using the bonding curve.
- Local private key management: Generate, encrypt and decrypt your private keys all within your favorite storage: memory, browser or disk.
- Lightstreams Web3 engine: Extended version of web3 engine with useful addons such as private keys in a memory storage management, metamask integration and gsn proxy calls.
- Web3 wrapper: Functional library to wrap web3js methods into simple high level calls.
- Node >= 10
- Lightstreams Smart Vault (Optional): Just in cases where you want to use Lightstreams distributed storage.
- tabookey-gasless (Optional): Compile and run your own GSN using our forked version of tabookey-gasless project.
Add lightstreams-js-sdk
project as a dependency of your project, using npm
npm install git+ --save
or using yarn
yarn add git+ --save
Gateway SDK interface is made to match, one to one, every available Lightstreams Smart Vault endpoints. For instance an example of it is:
Upload a new file to decentralize storage
const { Gateway as useGateway } = require('lightstreams-js-sdk')
const gateway = useGateway('')
const account = "0xa981f8ca77d069d79b609ca0069b052db79e7e30"
const file = fs.createReadStream(`/tmp/my_secret_file.txt`)
const { meta, acl } = await, "password", file)
or distribute some json object and distribute it publicly:
const { meta, acl } = await, "password", JSON.stringify({key: "value"}), 'json')
await gateway.acl.grantPublic(acl, account, "password")
// And fetch public content does not require token, otherwise it is mandatory
const myJson = await, null, false)
Smart vault is implemented to be used using remote private key management but in case you
need to use the power of this distributed storage with your local private keys, or even using your favorite
tools such as Metamask you can do it using Leth
Here is an example of how upload a new file and grant read permissions using a local private keys:
const { Leth, Web3, Gateway use useGateway } = require('lightstreams-js-sdk')
// Instanciate web3 engine using my local lightstreams network provider and remote keys
const web3 = Web3.newEngine('http://localhost:8545');
const gateway = useGateway('');
// Create accounts to be used in the example
// `accountPublisher` will require some tokens to performe the actions
const accountPublisher = await web3.eth.personal.newAccount("password");
const accountReader = await web3.eth.personal.newAccount("password");
// Deploy an ACL contract
const txReceipt = Leth.acl.create(web3, { from: accountPublisher, owner: accountPublisher, isPublic: false });
const aclAddr = txReceipt.contractAddress;
// Publish new content using deployed acl
const file = fs.createReadStream(`/tmp/my_secret_file.txt`);
const { meta } = await, aclAddr, file);
// Grant reader read access
await Leth.acl.grantRead = async (web3, { from: accountPublisher, contractAddr: aclAddr, account: accountReader })
Learn more about it in official docs.
How to register new tld
import { ENS } from 'lightstreams-js-sdk';
const account = "0x0Address"; // Owner account
const tld = "lsn"
const { ensAddress, resolverAddress } = await ENS.SDK.deployNewRegistry(web3, { from: account });
await ENS.SDK.registerNode(web3, { ensAddress, from: account, node: tld});
How to use ENS official sdk Read docs here
const domain = 'fanbase.lsn';
const ens = ENS.SDK.initializeManager(web3.currentProvider, ensAddress);
console.log(`Registering ${domain}...`);
await ens.setSubnodeOwner(domain, account, { from: account });
console.log(`Setting resolver ...`);
await ens.setResolver(domain, resolverAddress, { from: account });
console.log(`Setting address ...`);
await ens.resolver(domain).setAddr(account, { from: account });
let address = await ens.resolver(domain).addr();
console.log(`${domain} is pointing to ${address}`);
We have wrote our private key management based on ethers-js
How to create a new account
import { EthersWallet as EW } from 'lightstreams-js-sdk';
const decryptedWallet = await EW.Keystore.createRandomWallet();
const encryptedJson = await EW.Keystore.encryptWallet(decryptedWallet, password);
const address = encryptedJson.address;
Then we can create an account from the encrypted version of it as follow:
const account = EW.account.newAccount(encryptedJson)
await account.unlock(password);
The following apis are available for the account
: Lock wallet accountaccount.unlock(password):void
: Unlock wallet accountaccount.isLocked():boolean
: Return false is the account is unlockaccount.sign(txParams):string
: Return a signed transaction. Wallet must be unlockedaccount.signMsg({ data, chainId }, cb)
: Return a signed messaged. Wallet must be unlockedaccount.export():object
: Returns encrypted privatekey in json formataccount.seedPhrase():array
: Return account seed phrase. Wallet must be unlocked
In this repository you can find a customize web3 provider which uses a local
keystorage to sign transactions. In addition other ethereum public API methods
such as eth_lockAccount
, eth_unlockAccount
and eth_newAccount
are being
overwritten to use the key local storage.
How to initialize a LS web3 provider
import { Web3 } from 'lightstreams-js-sdk';
// Using local private key storage
const web3 = Web3.newEngine('http://localhost:8545');
// Using remove private key storage
const web3 = Web3.newEngine('http://localhost:8545', { useRemoteKeystore: true });
Using this web3 provider you could create a new account and unlock it using web3js personal apis
web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount("0x0Address", "password", 1000);
How to import a private key
import { EthersWallet as EW } from 'lightstreams-js-sdk';
const encryptedJson = await EW.Keystore.createRandomWallet(password);
How to export a private key
const encryptedJson = web3.currentProvider.exportAccount(address);
Lightstreams has implemented a functional wrapper class onto web3js library to encapsulate some of the most common functionalities of web3 into simple high level api.
Firtly, we instantiate a new web3 engine (although this wrapper can be used with other versions of web3)
const web3 = Web3.newEngine('https://localhost:8545');
We could deploy a new contract as follow:
const txReceipt = await Web3.deployContract(web3, {
from: fromAcc,
abi: contract.abi,
bytecode: contract.bytecode,
params: [param1, param2]
then, send a transaction to it:
const txReceipt = await Web3.contractSendTx(web3, {
to: contractAddress,
abi: contract.abi,
from: fromAcc,,
method: 'methodName',
params: [Web3.utils.toWei('1')...]
or do a read-only call to the contract:
const outputValue = await Web3.contractCall(web3, {
to: contractAddress,
abi: contract.abi,
method: 'methodName|public attribute',
params: [...],
Run your own gas station
First you need to run your own gas station along with a relayer account who is going to stake some tokens to fund the transactions in behalf the users of your apps, then those tokens will be paid back from the staked amount staked on the contract itself. If you want to know read this article
Lightstreams team has forked tabookey-gasless and modify it to make it work on Lightstreams network. Please, follow to compile and run your local instance of the gas station.
Once you got your local GSN running you can start writing your gasless contract, next you can see few samples of it:
- GSNProfile: Smart contract to handle user profile data using smart vault distributed storage
- GSNAcl: Smart contract implementing access control list of files in smart vault
Once the contract is written you will need to deploy it and stake some tokens to fund users transactions:
const { Web3, GSN } = require('lighstreams-js-sdk');
// Load compiled version of our GSNAcl.sol contract
const contract = require('@contract/build/GSNAcl.json');
// Initiliaze a new web3 engine enabling GSN by default
const web3 = Web3.newEngine('https://localhost:8545', { useGSN: true });
// Init env process variable to point to our gas station server
// Account used to deploy and fund the contract
const account = "0xa981f8ca77d069d79b609ca0069b052db79e7e30"
// Deploy GSNContract using Web3 wrapper
const txNewContractReceipt = await Web3.deployContract(web3, {
from: account,
abi: contract.abi,
bytecode: contract.bytecode,
params: [account, false]
// Relayer wallet address
const relayHubAddr = '0x2cfb0a0388f429318E0D12b12980c13ccad15189'
// Stake tokens into the contract
await GSN.fundRecipient(web3, {
from: account,
recipient: txNewContractReceipt.contractAddress,
relayHub: relayerHubAddr,
amountInPht: 100 // Amount of tokens to stake in the contract to fund user txs
Now we deployed and funded the contract we can test out how to a user with balance 0 is capable to do a call to that contract
const newAccount = await web3.eth.personal.newAccount("password");
const txReceipt = await Web3.contractSendTx(web3ls, {
to: aclContractAddress,
abi: contract.abi,
from: newAccount,
method: 'addOwner',
useGSN: true, // Force the usage of the gasless tx
params: [newAccount]
You can see more sample code at this test suite file
npm i
npm run build
Install and run the GSN. See:
Copy and set the environment variables:
$> cp .env.sample .env
Ensure the RELAY_HUB variable has been set with the address of relayer admin account. This is copied from {TABOOKEY_PROJECT}/hubaddr.txt
To deploy every migration over a network, such as standalone
, you can run:
$> FORCE_MIGRATION='true' npm run deploy -- standalone
In case you want to run only force migration 01 and 03, you have to run:
$> FORCE_MIGRATION='01_03' npm run deploy -- standalone
To run the full test suite over standalone
network and every migrations
FORCE_MIGRATION='true' npm run test -- standalone
To run a single test file with every migration
FORCE_MIGRATION='true' npx truffle test ./test/{filename} --network standalone
To run a single test file along with no migrations:
FORCE_MIGRATION='false' npx truffle test ./test/{filename} --network standalone
- Change the version in
- Commit and create a new Git tag
- Lighstreams Smart Vault Dashboard
- e-commerce distributed shop
- Distributed browser storage
- Fanbase (Coming very soon :) )
If you find any bugs or simply have a question, please write an issue and we'll try and help as best we can.