This is a Lift FoBo module demo that demonstrates the use of the FoBo Lift module. See the FoBo - Lift Front-End Toolkit Module.
Demonstration of this module demo is set up and live here. The corresponding FoBo module is available here.
Note: This was initially intended to be a basic/starter lift template with the FoBo module initiated but it has turned out to be more of a comprehensive demo. There are lots of basic lift starter templats out there and for a FoBo incdued one see below, so just fork the demo, run it and look at the code and its examples.
It's really simple to integrate the FoBo module in any lift project but here is a basic lift starter template that includes the FoBo module, it is set up for twitter bootstrap usage Templating-With-Twitter-Bootstrap.
Improvements, contributions and suggestions are welcome!
best regards Peter Petersson
Prerequisites for running this Lift example is that you have Git and Java installed and configured on the target computer.
You don't need to use it but the project also includes a Eclipse plug-in for browsing and following/working with the code, see the Scala IDE section.
As of FoBo v0.5.0 you do no longer need fetch FoBo and do a publish-local of it as it is now available via repository and will be fetched for you via dependancys.
Get the examples
git clone git:// cd FoBo-Lift-Template
Update & Run Jetty
There is also a sbt.bat for windows users.
./sbt update ~container:start
Launch Your Browser
Sbteclipse provides SBT command to create Eclipse project files
project$ ./sbt
In eclipse do:
File ==> Import... Select General ==> Existing Project into Workspace Use "Brows" to look up the project root ....
(*) This is a unofficial Lift user powered basic assembly example which means it is a work based on the sound foundation of Lift, done by a developer who uses Lift for development ;), sharing it with others.