upm - Universal Package Manager 1.1.0 Features Traditional package managers, flatpak and snapd are freely combinable Uniform commands for pacman, apt, dnf, zypper, flatpak and snapd Very user-friendly and hassle-free to install and use Powerful, expandable and customisable Hardly any dependencies Self-propelling Tech Go GNU Bash Pacman APT DNF Zypper Flatpak snapd Compilation wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/libalis/upm/main/upm.go && sudo go build -o /bin/upm upm.go && rm -rf upm.go Installation / Update wget https://github.com/libalis/upm/releases/download/v1.1.0/upm && chmod +x upm && sudo mv upm /bin/ Uninstall sudo rm -rf /bin/upm ~/.config/upm.xml Usage shell command abbreviation --copyright -c --help -h --reset -r --version -v shell command abbreviation --traditional -t --flatpak -f --snapd -s upm command abbreviation parameter(s) autoremove info package(s) install in package(s) remove rm package(s) search se package(s) update up Examples upm -f se audacity # Search a package only from one source upm up # Update the system upm -h # Get help License MIT