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mickaelbaron committed Jan 17, 2023
0 parents commit 63e46fd
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# Mathmouse

The technologic evolution of the last decades triggered an increase in the volume of time series to process, in numerous fields such as experimental science. The experimental time series data are processed to find a mathematical model (usually a differential equation) fitting the series. Due to the amount of available data and technologies to process them, the amount of available mathematical models is increasing as well. Therefore, storing and organizing those models to ease their management and retrieval has become an essential challenge.

The **MathMOuse** project (Mathematical MOdels warehoUSE) is an enriched Data Warehouse structure able to:

* store mathematical models in a relational database,
* provide the user a "query by data" system to query the Warehouse using raw time series as input parameter.

## Software requirements

For all OS:
* Java JRE >= 1.8
* Docker (for people who can't install Docker, a vagrant configuration file is supplied)

**NOTE**: If you want to use vagrant, you will need:

* Virtualbox >= 5
* Vagrant >= 1.8.7

In a command prompt, browse to your local copy of the project and type:

$ vagrant up

A virtual machine, will be automatically set up. Then:

$ vagrant ssh

The command will connect you to the newly created virtual machine.

## Download

The **MathMOuse** project files can be downloaded at

The archive file (_mathmouse-bda-2017.zip_) is composed of:

* _docker-compose.yml_: is a configuration file, that will be used to create the necessary services
* _dockermanager-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar_: a jar file, that contains binary code for building the services and manage them.
* _README.md_:
* _Vagrantfile_: a configuration file to create a virtual machine
* _bootstrap.sh_: an additional configuration file to set up a virtual machine created by vagrant

The _microservices_ directory is composed of:
* _javarabbitmq_: a directory containing files (_Dockerfile_ and _init.sh_) to configure the rabbitmq service.
* _mathmousedb_: a directory containing files (_init-db.sh_ and _init-db.sql_) to configure the postgresql service and the database.
* _mathmouse_: a directory containing binary jars for other java services of the projects. As well as _Dockerfile_ configuration files, for the services. In the _dbgui_ there is an additional _resources_ directory with XML and CSV files, used as data samples of equations and time series, respectively. In the _populator_ directory, there is another _resources_ files, with XML files, that can be used to quickly populate the database for tests purposes.

## Prototype architecture

The application contains the following services:

* mmw_db, build from the official postgreSQL container of docker (, version 9.6.1. It contains the database. Its configuration files are in the folder microservices/mmw_db.
* rabbitmq, the rabbitMQ official container of docker (, version 3-management. It is the communication server of the services.
* dbservice, that manage data flow between the database and the other services.
* generator, that takes the equations contained in the database, solves them numerically to generate time series and sends them via rabbitmq.
* comparator, takes input series (it is possible to use the GUI to send a series to it) and ask the generator for series to compare the input with. Then, it sorts out the series that matches the input, those that do not and those that could not be sorted into the previous categories. The result of the comparison is then sent via rabbitmq (the GUI can intercept them, to print them out).

## Installation

The prototype where developped and tested under Linux.
Using a command prompt, browse to your local copy of the project and type:

$ java -jar dockermanager-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

This command will build and set up the necessary services (**_rabbitmq_**, **_postgresql_**, **_comparator manager_**, **_comparator_**, **_generator_**). To start the GUI, you will need to use the command prompt and browse to your local copy of the project. Then, type:

$ cd microservices/mathmouse/dbgui


$ java -jar dbgui-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

to start the GUI.

## Compilation

### With Docker

**Prerequisite**: docker version 1.12.6 + oracle java 8.

**help**: for linux users, you can use the following commands with super admin permissions
to install oracle java 8, if not already installed:

$ apt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer
$ apt-get install -y oracle-java8-set-default

Download the files of the project on your local machine. Open a command prompt, browse to your local copy of the project and type:

$ sudo ./

This will automatically build the jars files of each needed projects, build the containers and launch them all.

### With Vagrant (Docker inside the Vagrant VM)

**Prerequisite**: vagrant + virtualbox installed and functionnal.
**Warning**: The prototype were built with the version 5.1.0 of virtualbox and the version 1.8.7 of vagrant.
It has not been test with other versions, nor other virtualizing tools.

Open a command prompt and browse to the Vagrantfile directory:

$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh

Once in the VM Machine command line:

$ cd /vagrant

The command:

$ sudo ./

will automatically build the jars files of each needed projects, build the containers and launch them all.

*Note:* you will be asked to accept the license terms of Oracle.

## Logs the applications

So each application should now be running in background and you can access the logs of each application separately, by using:

$ sudo docker logs [-f] put_container_name

You can access the rabbitmq webadmin interface with the following link: http://localhost:15672

* Login: guest
* Password: guest

Once on the server, you can click on the "Queues" tab and then on the queue named "topPopulateRequest". If you go to the "Publish Message" section, you can click on the "Publish Message" button. This will send an event to the db_populator service, that will a set of three equations to the API service, that will store them into the database. Every two minute the db_reader service asks the API for all the equations contained in the database and prints the result.

## Using the GUI

The GUI needs graphics to work. It is possible to start from host command line. In the dbreadergui root directory: `microservices/mathematicalmodelswarehouseprototype/dbreadergui`


$ java -jar target/dbreadergui-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar localhost

The GUI contains three buttons:

* Send, to send an equation from an XML formatted file. Three files examples are available in the file src/main/resources/xmls1.0 directory in the dbreadergui project.
* Pull, retrives all the equations available in the database and displays them on a dedicated window.
* Query, allows to write a query to send to the dbservice, to execute it. The results are also displayed in another dedicated window.
* Compare, to ask for series comparison, using a series stored in csv formatted text file. There are series exemples available in the directory src/main/resources/timeseries-sources in the dbreadergui project.

A text space shows the different queries that are executed on the database by the dbservice. For more details on how to use the GUI, with a use case scenario check the docs/ file.

## Scenario

### Add a model

Some XML files are available in the _microservices/mathmouse/dbgui/resources/xmls_ directory. To add the file content into the database:

* Click on the "Upload" (above the navigation tree in the Equation tab) button of the GUI window
* Select a file
* Click on "Open"
* Click on "Validate"

You can check if the new equation appeared in the navigation tree.

### Query the database

Some CSV files are available in the _microservices/mathmouse/dbgui/resources/csvs_. To query the database for a model fitting the data:

* Click on the "Create Jobs" Tab
* Click on "Open"
* Select a file
* Click on "Open"
* A line should have appear in the main window
* Cross the box on the right
* Click "Start"

If you click on the "Jobs Manager" tab, you will see a new line, with the jobs state and progression. To check the results, click on "Details" and a new window should pop-up. The results should appear be constantly updating. The window is divided in three tabs.

* The tab "Accepted Models" is the list of models that fits the data.
* The tab "Rejected Models" is the list of models that does not fit the data.
* The tab "Undetermined Models" is the list of models that could not be classified into the two first categories.

**NOTE**: if you want to quickly populate the database, a sample of 100 models is ready and available. You can check the XML files in the microservices/mathmouse/populator/resources/xmls directory.
If you want to add them quickly in the database, you will have to close the GUI, if it is running. Then browse to the _microservices/mathmouse/populator_ directory and type:

$ java -jar populator-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

## References

* Cyrille PONCHATEAU, Ladjel BELLATRECHE, Carlos Ordonez, Mickael BARON, A Database Model for Time Series : From a traditional Data Warehouse to a Mathematical Models Warehouse, 32th French Conference On Advanced Databases (BDA 2016), 2016

* Cyrille PONCHATEAU, Ladjel BELLATRECHE, Mickael BARON, Entrepôt de Données dans l'ère Data Science : De la Donnée au Modèle, 12émes Journées Francophone sur les Entrepôts de Données et analyse en ligne (EDA 2016), edited by RNTI, 2016, pp. 65-79

## Historic Contributors

* "Cyrille PONCHATEAU":
* "Mickael BARON":
* "Carlos ORDONEZ":

## Code Analysis

* Lines of Code: 13 077
* Programming Language: Java
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions Vagrantfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.hostname = "liasvagrant-docker"
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| "forwarded_port", host: 5432, guest: 5432 "forwarded_port", host: 15672, guest: 15672 "forwarded_port", host: 5672, guest: 5672 "forwarded_port", host: 2376, guest: 2376 "forwarded_port", host: 5000, guest: 5000 = "ubuntu/xenial64"
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id,
"--name", "liasvagrant",
"--memory", "2048",
"--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]


config.vm.provision :shell, path: ""
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
apt-get update -y
apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk -y
# install maven
apt-get install -y maven
# adding webupd8team/java repository for further installing of java 8
add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java -y
apt-get update
# install docker
apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
apt-get update -y
apt-get install docker-ce -y
# install docker compose
sudo -i
curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

docker-compose up -d
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions docker-compose.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
build: microservices-src/javarabbitmq
hostname: fr_ensma_lias
container_name: rabbitmq
- "15672:15672"
- "5672:5672"
liasvagrant-microservices-docker-demo.description: "RabbitMQ server, with management plugin"

build: microservices-src/mathmousedb
hostname: fr_ensma_lias
container_name: mathmouse_db
- "5432:5432"
lias-mathematical-models-warehouse.description: "Postgres RDBMS service implementation of the Mathematical Models Warehouse"
- POSTGRES_USER=db_admin

build: microservices-src/mathmouse/dbcore
hostname: fr_ensma_lias
- rabbitmq
- mathmouse_db

build: microservices-src/mathmouse/comparatormanager
hostname: fr_ensma_lias
- rabbitmq

build: microservices-src/mathmouse/generator
hostname: fr_ensma_lias
- rabbitmq

build: microservices-src/mathmouse/comparator
hostname: fr_ensma_lias
- rabbitmq
80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# Documentation for running Mathematical Models Warehouse prototype: A tutorial and test scenario

Authors: Cyrille Ponchateau, Ladjel Bellatreche, Mickael Baron
Date: February 03, 2017
Last update: July 13, 2018

## Start the interface

You will need to compile the source files, before actually starting the project. To do so, open a shell and browse to your local copy of the project. Once in the root directory of the project:

$ cd microservices-src/mathmouse/
$ mvn clean package #will compile the source of the whole project
$ cd ../.. #go back to root of the project
$ java -jar dockermanager-SNAPSHOT-0.0.1.jar

You might be asked for sudo password, for docker commands to be correctly executed. Then the different services (rabbitmq, comparator, comparator manager, generator and postgresdatabase) will be set up and started. When they are all set, you will need to press ctrl+z, to put the process in background and the $bg to make the process keep running in background. Now you are ready to use the interface:

$ cd microservices-src/mathmouse/dbgui/target
$ java -jar dbgui-SNAPSHOT-0.0.1.jar

The following window should appear:

![blank GUI](images/blankgui.png)

## Send an equation

Click on the upload button (in the red rectangle). The following window should appear on the previous one:


Go to your local copy of the project and browse to the xmls2.0 resources file: `microservices-src/mathmouse/dbgui/src/main/resources/xmls2.0`.

You will have to select one of the file and click on  (in the red rectangle) to open and send the file content to the database. You can repeat the operation for the two other files (not necessary for the rest of the scenario).

*TIP:* if browsing to the file is a little long, copy the files of xmls2.0 into a more practical location.

After each file sending, the equation should appear in the navigation tree on the left of the main window:

![log lines](images/after-sending.png)

## Send a time series and compare to the equations in the database

You can now try to send some time series to be compared to the equation(s) in the database. To do so, click on the Create Job tab, then on the Open button. You will have to browse again in the prototype directory and to the following: `microservices-src/mathmouse/dbgui/src/main/resources/timeseries-sources`

*TIP:* you can also copy the content in a more practical location.

There are three equations examples contained in the equationN.xml files, where N is 1, 2 or 3. Those equations are the following:

* Equation1: $ Ty'(t)+y(t)=Ku(t),T=25.0,K=2.4,y(0)=0.0 $
* Equation2: $ Ty'(t)+y(t)=Ku(t),T=2.0,K=1.3,y(0)=0.0 $
* Equation3: $ \frac{y''(t)}{w^2} +\frac{2m}{w}y'(t)+y(t)=Ku(t),K=0.8,m=0.4,w=0.1,y(0)=0.0,y'(0)=0.0 $

There are three time series files DataN.txt, where N is 1, 2 or 3. DataN.txt is the numerical solution of equationN. Therefore, if you send Data1.txt, you should see the following:


If you send the equation1 file first, then its ID in the database is also 1. Therefore, the file Data1.txt contains the solution of the equation of ID 1, in the database. If you look at he line in the red rectangle, you can see an “acceptedEquations” attribute, which contains a list of one element equal to 1. It is the ID of the equation that match the data in Data1.txt. The other rejectedEquations and undetermindedEquations are empty (because there are no other equations in the database). If you sent the other equations, then you should see 2 and/or three appear in the rejectedEquations list. Unfortunately, there is no example of undeterminedEquations, so you should not be able to see any ID appear in this list. But, should this case happen, you would.

Now if you send Data2.txt or Data3.txt, you will see the one appear in the rejectedEquations list, like on the following:


*Note:* if the line does not appear, it is because the window contains too much text, so some of it is printed outside of the text view. You can safely close the interface and start it again to clean the text view and try again.

## Quick population of the database

In order to quickly have models inserted in the database, you can use the populator service. From the project root directory:

$ cd microservices-src/mathmouse/populator
$ source
$ cd target
$ java -jar populator-SNAPSHOT-0.0.1.jar

You can modify the files you want to add, by going in the following directory: `microservices-src/mathmouse/populator/src/main/resources/xmls`.
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