- Add VehicleOdometry.msg to README
- Adding VehicleOdometry.
- Update package description and maintainers
- Add ultrasonic message.
- Contributors: Guodong Rong, Hadi Tabatabaee, Piotr Jaroszek
- Update readme and license
- Changing some Vector3's to Points where they make more sense.
- Renaming CanBus to CanBusData.
- Adding VehicleStateData.
- Adding VehicleControlData.
- Adding CanBus and DetectedRadarObject/Array.
- Making package hybrid ROS1/ROS2 package.
- Contributors: Hadi Tabatabaee, Joshua Whitley
- Include signal messages in README
- add messages for ground truth signals
- updated license
- Contributors: David Uhm
- add changelog
- update initial version number
- add license
- add Ros package for ground truth messages
- initial commit
- Contributors: David Uhm