A simple random user generator for Liferay 7.x.
Gogo Shell portlet is native starting 7.1. A community plugin exists for 7.0 (GitHub & Liferay Marketplace)
Each generated user is randomly assigned to existing organizations, user groups and roles.
If you want more, you should take a look at this awesome project: Dummy Factory.
- randgen-users-api: contains a simple interface for providers
- randgen-users-service: kotlin based implementation fetching random users from randomuser.me
- randgen-users-cmd: provides gogo shell command to generates users
For example, generating 10 users:
g! randgen:users 10
Official documentation about Using Felix Gogo Shell
- 7.0.0-ga1
- 7.0.1-ga2
- 7.0.2-ga3
- 7.0.3-ga4
- 7.0.4-ga5
- 7.0.5-ga6
- 7.0.6-ga7
- 7.1.0-ga1
- 7.1.x