LF AI & Data Foundation social media accounts include Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. As LF AI & Data is an umbrella foundation, these accounts message across everything LF AI related, including: technical projects, events, members, and other artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), and data related topics.
As a best practice for umbrella foundations, the marketing efforts/voice are managed by LF AI. If an LF AI & Data hosted technical project has project specific social accounts, the project maintains the ongoing management of those accounts and coordinates implication efforts via the LF AI & Data PR team. See the Project Specific Social Account Management section below for more details on project specific social media account management.
The objectives of LF AI & Data social media:
- Advance topics and conversations that are relevant to and beneficial for the AI, ML, DL, and Data community
- Continue building positive affinity for LF AI projects among key influencers and throughout the AI, ML, DL, and Data community
- Drive engagement and participation in LF AI & Datavprojects
Informational, engaging, and ecosystem-focused content, which can include:
- LF AI & Data projects
- LF AI & Data end user community
- Contributor / Committee / Working Group / Member blog posts
- AI, ML, DL, Date ecosystem
- LF AI & Data events information, upcoming and recent
- Technical topics such as distributed ML, AI model deployment, neural network models, etc.
- Industry vertical topics such as AI, IoT, data aggregation, etc.
- Informational: Tutorials, editorials, news stories - Items that help connect the dots for our community
- Thought leadership: insights, perspectives, learnings, and experiences
Social media posts might consist of:
- New project release announcements
- Project highlights
- Event announcements & promotion
- Promoting training, certifications, etc.
- Links to articles/use cases/success stories from the AI, ML, and DL community
- Links to technical content and how-to’s
- Reports from LF AI & Data events
- Other posts are possible, but it needs to have a direct link to the LF AI & Data community
Social content strategy aims to incorporate the following:
- All posts should abide by the LF AI & Data Foundation’s Code of Conduct
- Keep messages positive and uplifting, consistent with the values and principles of LF AI
- Communicate big picture ideas vs “announcements” or news - Position news less like an announcement and more around what it means
- Share content across social media channels that benefit the ecosystem as a whole
- Maintain a balance of posting on LF AI & Data activities/news and ecosystem-focused content
- Showcase vendor-neutral, community-sourced posts that are informational, engaging, and ecosystem-focused
- Engage with the community through retweets and sharing of community content
For all LF AI & Data social activity, we remain a neutral foundation. Examples of the type of content:
- Owned content is LF AI & Data news, blogs, events info, case studies, survey data, etc.
- Project content is anything sourced from LF AI & Data’s currently hosted projects, including project news, roadmap updates, new releases, performance/security updates, blogs, conferences slides/videos, etc.
- Ecosystem content is vendor-neutral and project-impartial sourced from contributors, maintainers, committees, members, news outlets, etc., - Including: blog posts, news coverage, thought leadership bylines, technology demos, sketch notes, GitHub work, LF AI specific event info, etc.
- RTs are limited to news outlet handles, @linuxfoundation, project handles + personal handles
- Community content that abides by the channel guidelines + includes insight from/work with more than one LF AI project will be prioritized for sharing
- Activities that are hosted by and open to the public can be promoted, as they benefit the ecosystem as a whole
LF AI & Data is not able to share:
- Anything on our channels that promotes a vendor product or directs to a company website
- Social posts from member company handles and/or vendor channels
Images shared, unless specifically credited back to a community member, will meet the requirements of “free for commercial use” and “no attribution required.”
LF AI & Data uses hashtags in our posts:
- To measure the success of campaigns (for example, #LFAIDataFdn, #LFAIDataFdnDay, #ABCProject);
- To expand our reach beyond our current followers and tap into larger, trending topics on Twitter (for example, #AI, #ML, #DL, #Data)
- To organize or categorize shares (for example, #LFAIDataFdnDay)
Per best practices, projects with specific social accounts should aim to:
- Tag @LFAIDataFdn and @linuxfoundation if you are looking to get amplification of your posts on Twitter/LinkedIn - The LF AI & Data PR team will take care of the LF AI & Data re-tweet/share and will coordination amplification via the Linux Foundation, as applicable
- Include your project hashtag in all of your posts, such as #ABCProject - If you do not know what hashtag to use, email pr@lfaidata.foundation
If you have social content you want LF AI & Data to help promote:
- Tag @LFAIDataFdn and @linuxfoundation if you are looking to get amplification of your posts on Twitter/LinkedIn - The LF AI & Data PR team will take care of the LF AI & Data re-tweet/share and will coordination amplification via the Linux Foundation
- Include your project hashtag in all of your posts, such as #ABCProject - If you do not know what hashtag to use, email pr@lfaidata.foundation
- Or you can email pr@lfaidata.foundation with your request and include: the post copy (including hashtags), images, and any specific dates you are looking for - LF AI & Data PR team will work with you on coordinating based on the current social schedule and resource availability
If an LF AI & Data hosted technical project has project specific social accounts, the project maintains the ongoing management of those accounts and coordinates implication efforts via the LF AI & Data PR team.
The process includes:
- Upon being accepted as a Graduate or Incubating project, LF AI & Data will take over the account ownership as part of the account transfer agreement, but account access will be shared (via LastPass) with those authorized by the project
- Shared account access allows projects who want to maintain project specific social media accounts the ability to do so, as well as the ability to own and manage content via those authorized to do so by the project
- Social content amplification (re-tweet/share) via @LF AI and LF can be coordinated by request, and is encouraged - See Request Content Promotion section above for details
- LF AI & Data Program Management & Operations (PM/Ops) will contact the project maintainer to make adjustments to the project specific social accounts to reflect the change in account ownership
To complete the transfer, the project maintainer and LF AI & Data PM/Ops will:
- Project will share with LF AI & Data the following: 1) Log in details for each social media account 2) The name and email address of the authorized users from the project who should have access to the project specific social account login details via LastPass for management of the accounts (email address should be the one they want to use in LastPass, if one doesn't exist we can send an invite from the LastPass tool)
- Note on authorized users: This can be a Project Lead, TSC Chair, and/or a community member that is authorized in this space - Many projects create a coordinator type of role for social management which is also a way to contribute to the project outside of code contributions; in some cases, this type of role can be on a rotating schedule within a particular committee, TSC, etc.
- LF AI & Data will change the project specific social account email address to [projectname]-social@lfaidata.foundation and will set up a new password for use moving forward
- LF AI & Data will then provide the authorized users login details for the project specific account via LastPass
- Maintaining the login details via LastPass allows LF AI & Data to enable or disable access to the password on a per user basis - And if there are any password changes needed from an account admin perspective, they are unnoticeable to the authorized people in LastPass
To contact the LF AI & Data PR team for questions, please email pr@lfaidata.foundation.